XLViii| A bold decision

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"I don't know what I would do without you."

There was just under a two-week gap between Monaco and Baku, which allowed Mira to go home

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There was just under a two-week gap between Monaco and Baku, which allowed Mira to go home. There were things she needed to do and she wanted to check up on her cats. Besides, Lando also needed time in the factory so it was good for both of them.

Mira spent her time in meetings and arguments. Lily, the little girl who spent most of her time in the charity building, had been coming in crying every time. Her parents didn't want her at their house and the foster parents didn't seem to want her there either considering she was always with Mira.

A few months ago, Mira put in a recommendation to take Lily and foster in within the charity itself as they were open 24 hours and had a school within it. From there, Mira's team could find a foster family suitable for her needs...but it wasn't standard procedure and the government didn't like doing things off the rule book, even if it was within the best interest of the child.

In fact, there were a few people in the charity who had the same circumstance, one being a thirteen-year-old boy with Epilepsy and the other being a nine-year-old girl who had spinal issues. Neither had houses that were suitable for them or families that cared enough.

So in the days since getting back from Monaco, Mira had spent all her time there.

"You have a meeting at three with Eve's dad and an appointment with the in-house therapist regarding Niamh," Mira's assistant for the day, Yelena, listed.

"I thought Holly was off today?" Mira questioned.

"No, she was— excuse me, you cannot just barge in here!" Yelena spoke.

Mira started at the woman who'd just walked into the room like she had owned the place. The security guard was trailing after her with an exhausted look on his face. The woman was small, with tanned skin and a scowl on her face. Black hair was tied up into a bun and she was pulling a small suitcase.

"What are you doing?" Mira questioned.

"We're here to collect Lily. Miss Harp, Social Services," The woman spoke rather rudely. "She is to be placed into care."

"And where is that to be?" Mira interrogated.

She was not going to let a child be taken unless it was the right thing to them. Social Services didn't mean anything anymore, there were too many differences between each worker and not enough checking.

"She will be placed into a group home."

"No she won't," Mira argued. "I have been fighting this for decision months! I have been trying to get her proper help for months...to even let me foster her!"

"There is nowhere for her to go," said Miss Harp. "Emergency foster care is the only thing we can do."

"I'll adopt her, fully," Mira said impulsively,"I'm not letting her go into emergency care."

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