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I arrived at Elrond's study to find it empty
"He must be busy elsewhere" I think to myself, since Elrond isn't here I grab a couple of books that I have been using to learn elvish and head back to my own room. No point in staying there really as I have no idea how long Elrond will be busy for, it could be a few moments or the rest of the day. Once I got to my room I set the books down on to my bed,grabbed my paper and sat down ready to study. Only my mind didn't seem to want to focus on the task at hand,I didn't often have this problem but when I did I would simply go for a walk.

I decided against that idea and instead got up from my seat on my bed and opened a window to let in the breeze to see if that would help. I sat back down on my bed and waited, after about ten minutes or so I flopped backwards on the bed. I still didn't have the urge to learn or do more research either. Determined not to give in so soon,I picked up a book opened it and just stared at the page hoping to learn something, to no avail.

With a frustrated sigh I put the book back down and sat up,I got up from my bed and left the room after all. Who knows a quick walk to the library or somewhere might help. Of course that idea didn't work either,on the way back to my room I came across Elrond. I might not have the urge to learn currently, but I certainly felt better at seeing the lord again
"Hello my lord,how was your meeting?" I ask him
"To be honest Y/n,I didn't seem to pay that much attention" Elrond admitted.

"Strange that" I say
"I...er...had something else on my mind" Elrond said
"I see,so where are you heading?" I ask
"I'm heading back to my study, I am going to write a letter to my daughter asking if she and her husband wouldn't mind coming here" Elrond said to me
"So the king and queen of Gondor then,Arwen and Arragorn" I say
"You remembered?" Elrond said looking at me
"Of course I did,I remember a lot of things you have taught me" I say.
"Shouldn't that be all the things I taught you?" Elrond said.

"Well yeah but...I might have not been paying attention to a few things" I admit to the elf lord,Elrond laughed slightly at that
"Yes I suspected as much,you did spend a fair amount of time looking out the window" Elrond said
"Well whilst you go and write your letter,I'm going to try and learn some more elvish, possibly" I say
"Why possibly?" Elrond asks,as we stop outside his study
"I tried to start before I went to the library but mind just wouldn't focus" I say.

"Try something simple to begin with,even if you already know it" Elrond suggested "If that doesn't work,then come and see me and I will help you"
"I couldn't do that,I wouldn't want to interrupt your important work" I tell him
"Helping you is important to me Y/n" Elrond said
"I know but..." I try
"I will always help you in anyway I can Y/n,you only have to ask" Elrond said placing his hand onto my arm,and as he did a warm sensation spread from my arm to the rest of my body. It made my cheeks feel really warm all of a sudden.

"Thank you my lord" I said quietly,Elrond removed his hand from my arm and went into his study. Instead of returning to my room straight away, I went in search of Lunna. I needed her advice on these feelings I keep getting around Elrond. I head outside to the flower garden where Lunna nearly always is and to my luck she is alone
"Lunna I need your advice on something" I say sitting down beside the blonde elf. She closed her sketch book and looked at me
"What can I help you with Y/n?" Lunna asked

"Do you remember from our talk earlier that I said I had feelings around someone?" I say"Well I need help understanding these feelings"
"Yes I remember you saying" Lunna said"Okay Y/n tell me these feelings "
"Well apart from it feeling like something is flying around in my stomach, and feeling floaty. I tried to learn some more elvish early and couldn't focus, and then when he touched my arm,I got this warm feeling spread threw out my whole body" I tell her.

"With this warm feeling, did your face feel like it was on fire?" Lunna asked
"Yes my cheeks where very warm,they still our now" I say,Lunna touched my cheek and said
"Yes I can feel what you mean"
"So all this means that I do have a crush then?" I ask
"Yes Y/n you do have a crush,and from what I can tell these feelings are quite strong" Lunna said
"You won't bring this up with Marwin will you?I don't need her going on about her brother again" I ask Lunna
"What sort of friend would I be if I told her all your secrets" Lunna said"There are things Mar has told me,that you don't know"

"Blimey I didn't know that one" I say
"So...have you had the urge to kiss your crush yet?" Lunna asked slyly
"I...not yet" I say
"That one will be next" Lunna said
"I wouldn't mind kissing him,its just..." I say trailing off
"You don't know if he would want you to kiss him,or you don't want it to be awkward around each other if you did" Lunna said
"Both" I say"My first time understanding a crush and its complicated "I say sighing
"He isn't taken is he?" Lunna asked
"No he isn't but he has been married" I tell her.

"Well you never know Y/n he might actually like you as well" Lunna said trying to be helpful
"I doubt it,but there is nothing wrong with hoping"

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