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Y/n's P.O.V

The opportunity to escape presented itself to me first thing in the morning,the only downside is it hasn't gone to well. I had managed to get out of the house that Raay has me in but I am into the tress right behind the building,and the two guys that brought me are following me on horse back. I have to be extremely careful what I do and where I go,as those guys have a slight advantage but so do I being an elf.

The advantage they have besides being on horse back,is they know the lay of the land better than I do. So they know all the places I can hide,but I don't intend to hide. I'm going to get out of these trees and try and head back out of Laatharion and then...I don't know really. I could just head straight back to Rivendell,but I don't know which path was taken and I'm certain the two guys would follow me.

I have to try and find a way to stop them from following me,and then escape. It won't be easy but I will give it a try. I climbed a tree and from one of the slightly higher branches,I sat and watched as the two men on horse back searched for me. I waited silently making a mental note of where each of the guys had checked,and where they had yet to search. After about ten minutes of silent observation,I had come up with a small plan. As the two men are now stood on the floor as they take a break,I'm going to use this opportunity to get further away from them.

I carefully climbed back down the tree making sure not disturb anything,when I had both feet on the floor I looked in the direction of the men and saw that they are sat on the floor eating. With there backs to me,I carefully made my way into the trees away from them. So far my plan is going well,I just have to hope that it keeps going well. Sadly though it didn't,as I walked slowly away from the men. Something fell from a tree close behind me,it made a noise loud enough to be heard by the men. Who them turned around to see what had happened and saw me trying to leave.

"There she is" one of the men said as they both scrambled to there feet,as they climbed back onto there horses I made a run for it. What I failed to take into consideration in my haste,is that fact that I hadn't eaten in two days and went dizzy quite quickly. I tried to keep going despite this,but I come to a stop when my head caught a low branch and knocked me to the floor. With the dizzy feeling and know a pounding in the head,I knew the men would catch me. As my vision began to fade to black,I heard horses hooves close by to my head and one man say
"Stupid elf" then everything went dark.

When I came back around I found my self back in the same room I had escaped from beforehand. There is a pounding in my head and my body feels weak,I try to sit up but a voice says
"Don't even think about moving" Raay comes into view beside the bed" You've caused enough trouble as it is"
"What did you expect? You had me kidnapped and forced away from my life" I tell him
"You must see the bigger picture here,this isn't just about you or me Y/n. This about Laatharion and it's people" Raay said " We need a Laatha in charge again"

"You can't force me to do something I don't wish to do" I say" So my family built this town but that doesn't mean I want to be in charge here."
"It is your birth right to rule Laatharion" Raay said,his lined face set into a grim expression" Without you this town will fall apart and be no more"
"I doubt that,this town has survived this long without me and will continue to do so" I said
"It doesn't matter what you say,you will run this town and the people will make it happen " Raay said heading to the door
"How?" I asked
"I have informed my men to spread word of a true Laatha being in town,and soon word will spread and people will rise up against Leena and Avvi" Raay said stopping at the door" A Laatha will run this town again,I can promise you that."

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