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I climbed from tree to tree for as long as I could,it would make it harder to be seen. I checked the floor around me and saw no horse's anywhere. I made my descent down the tree, almost falling a few times thanks to my injured shoulder. I reached the floor and ran as fast as I could out of the trees,I hadn't got to far when I hear the sound of horse hooves behind me. Not daring to turn around to see how close they are,I kept running to the distant trees.

From what I can tell by the sound behind me ,there are two horse's following me. One closer than the other
"Y/n" someone shouted my name but I didn't stop to see who, though the voice does sound familiar. I reached the trees and stopped I had just enough time to grab a fallen branch from the floor when a horse came up behind me. I turned around and couldn't believe me eyes
"Elrond"I said looking up at the handsome elf on his horse,he had been looking for me all this time.

Elrond got down from his horse and pulled me into his arms,I saw just over his shoulder that Gandalf is with him and is holding off the other men on horse's with his magic. I pulled back slightly and looked up into Elrond's blue eyes
"I've missed you so much" He said , before leaning down and kissing me. It has been too long since I have been near Elrond and hopefully it will stay this way. I might be enjoying the kiss but Gandalf said
"I hate to interrupt but there are more men headed this way"

We broke the kiss and looked at the wizard
"It will be Raay and the men he has hired to find me" I said
"Raay as in the former master of Laatharion?" Elrond asked
"Yeah turns out he isn't dead after all and he knew my father" I said ,Elrond and I got onto his horse and with Gandalf behind us we raced away from the trees. So far Raay hadn't caught up to us,which means we have the advantage.  We raced back out of Laatharion and towards the farm that is on the outskirts of town. Beyond that is no longer Laatharion lands,so the men have no authority there.

Elrond didn't slow his horse down until we are what I assumed is several miles from the town. Then and only then does he slow his horse to a walk
"Is it wise to slow down?" I asked him
"I would keep going if I could my dear,but my horse needs to rest" Elrond. We stopped at a stream and got down from the horse, whilst the horse's cooled off in the water. The three of us sat on some fallen trees. I told Elrond about everything that had happened since I had been taken
"It turns out that Raay and Dakkon grew up together,and when he and my mother Luncrirna died,Raay took me in and raised me as a way of repaying them" I said

"So it is true what that old farmer told us then,you are the daughter of Laatharion" Gandalf said
"That's what I've been told " I said " Raay even said I look like Dakkon"
"Well despite all this,at least you know who your parents are now" Elrond said
"Yes I'm just glad that I'm away from that place and back with you " I said resting my head on Elronds shoulder,he kissed the side of my head
"Are you hurt?" Elrond asks
"I think I damaged my shoulder breaking down the door to get out" I said.

Before Elrond could reply we hear the sound of approaching horses,The elf lord and Wizard both stand up. Gandalf has his sword and staff in hand and Elrond has drawn his own sword. The three of us stayed silent as a group of about ten men on horse back came into the clearing
"We found you " the man on the first horse said,he took down his hood to reveal that is Aragorn
"Aragorn what are you doing here?" Elrond asked lowering his sword
"Arewn sent us" the second rider said who turned out to be Legolas" How soon can you be ready to leave?"
" Soon as the horses are ready" Gandalf said" There are men behind us"
"Then we can't linger for long,as they will be coming for Y/n."

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