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I know that my talking with Marwin may not go very well,for one she is currently unhappy with me but I also am not currently fond of her. Given her closeness to Kolvar and his and maybe now her dislike towards Elrond,I guess we may need a mediator in our talk. My first stop will be finding Lunna,I know Marwin is also annoyed with her,but Lunna is the most level headed of the three of us. If anyone can help us out with this matter,it's Lunna.

I hadn't actually gone to far in my search when Lunna came to me
"Lunna just the elf I am looking for" I say upon seeing the blonde elf
"What can if do for you my friend?" Lunna asks
"It has come to my knowledge recently that our friend Marwin isn't happy with me,so I am going to suggest that we sit down and talk. And because she isn't happy with you also and because you are the most level headed of us,I would like you to join us." I tell her
"Why is Marwin unhappy with me?" Lunna asks curiously as we walk.

"I over heard Marwin talking to Harwin yesterday and she said she isn't happy because you didn't tell her beforehand that you know Kolva's family personally" I explained
"I thought that would be obvious,we are all from Mirkwood I just live here now" Lunna said
"I guess Marwin didn't think about that" I said
"What about you Y/n,why is Mar upset with you?"Lunna asked
"Because I didn't tell her that I have a crush on someone,and her brother figured out who he is" I say.

"Wait Harwin knows you have a crush,but I thought he wanted you?" Lunn asked
"He did but he told me recently that he is no longer interested in me." I said
"So who is this elf that's your interest?" Lunna asked,she had an idea but wanted her friend to confirm it
"Lord Elrond is the one like" I said quietly so know one else over heard
"I thought as much" Lunna said"it was almost obvious to me"
"Not to Marwin though" I said.

We had just turned a corner when we happened to come across Marwin,but she has Kolvar with her
"Just the two secretive elves I'm looking for" Marwin said,the two dark haired elf's stopped before us
"Yes we are looking for you Marwin,we wish to talk" Lunna said
"Then let's talk" Marwin said
"Sure but without Kolvar" I said
"Excuse me" Kolvar said
"Sorry but this has nothing to do with you" I tell him" Marwin if you really want to speak to us,then come to us alone" I said before walking off.

Lunna caught up to me a few moments later
"I thought you wanted to talk with Mar?" She asked
"I do but not with him around,I don't trust him" I said
"Well maybe Marwin will find us on her own,in the meantime tell me all about you and our Lord" Lunna said
"There isn't much to tell,we haven't been together long" I tell her
"Still tell me" Lunna begged,so I told her about the few times Elrond and I have been alone,and some other things but I don't give out to much detail.

"Do you think he will tell his daughter about you?" Lunna asked after I had finished
"I don't know Lunna,I haven't asked him about that"I admit
"No the two of you don't talk much,you're too busy kissing him" Lunna said teasingly,she burst out laughing when I blushed at her comment " Enjoy it Y/n,this is your first crush after all. And who knows he may be your only one"
"You sound like you speak from experience?" I ask.

"Well...I do actually" Lunna said" I went threw a similar thing with my first crush"
"What happened?" I asked her
"I left Mirkwood and moved here"Lunna said" I didn't see him again until he turned up with his brothers not so long ago."
"Wait you had a crush on one of the Uralendan brothers? It's not Kolvar is it" I asked Lunna
"No not him,he was never my type" Lunna said" No my crush was Thalien"

"Does Kolvar know about this?" I asked Lunna
"No one knew,we where together for only a short time. But then I learned that Thalien was to marry another at his father's request,so I left Mirkwood for good." Lunna said
"But I thought the Uralendan brothers where on a tour of Middle Earth before they settle down,does that mean Thalien isn't married?" I ask
"It would appear to be true,I haven't actually spoken to Thalien about what happened when I left"Lunna said.

"Why not?" I ask
"I'm scared to find out" Lunna admits" It turns out,I'm still attracted to Thalien and if I learn that he did marry it will only break my heart again."
"These brothers sound more trouble than they are worth" I said
"Most of the time I think the same,I'm glad you aren't crushing on one of them Y/n,you are better off with Elrond" Lunna said. She didn't say anything more after that,I wonder if Thalien still has feelings for Lunna if he isn't married. I would need to ask Elrond about this.

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