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No one's P.O.V

It is as if Elrond is thinking about it as well, kissing Y/n that is. Elrond closed the gap between them as his lips meet Y/n's in a sweet kiss,it had supirsed them both when it happened but they both soon got over the initial shock and melted into each other. Elrond puts his arms around Y/n's waist and pulled her in closer to his chest,as she reached up and put her arms around the elf lords neck. The warm sensation that had started out on Y/n's cheek where Elrond had touched,had now spread to the rest of her body.

Y/n's P.o.v

The kiss is nothing like I had ever imagined it to be,Elrond certainly had more practice than I had at this but I did my best to make it enjoyable for both of us. I love the way his lips fit perfectly with my own and how his hands are holding me so carefully. I know one thing,one kiss from this elf lord will not be enough. Sadly like with a lot of good things our kiss had to end as we could no longer breath. We pulled back from each and I opened my eyes to find Elrond's beautiful blue eyes looking back at me.

"That wasn't to forward of me,was it?"Elrond asked
"Not at all,I had been wanting to do that for some time I just....had yet to work out what all these feelings meant"I tell him
"Does this mean you have the same feelings as I do?"Elrond asks taking ahold of my hands
"If you mean by feelings,a weird floating feeling and as that something is flying around in your stomach,then yes"I say
"I was going to say the feeling of liking you as more than a friend,but I like your way better"Elrond said.

"You know me my lord,I like to confuse people"I say
"You aren't that hard to understand Y/n"Elrond said
"Tell that to everyone else then"I say
"I like you just as you are, confusing and fun loving"Elrond said
"There is more to me than that"I remind him
"Oh I know,there just my favourite things about you"Elrond said"that and how beautifully unique you are"
"Awww,the grumpy elf has gone soft"I say teasingly, before Elrond could say anything more someone had to knock on the door.

We stepped back from eachother as Elrond told the person to come in
"Excuse me my lord, but Miss Marwin is asking for Y/n"Lindir said
"Tell her you couldn't find me"I say"I'd rather not listen to her go on about those brothers again"
"As you wish"Lindir said before leaving again
"What was all that about?" Elrond asked
"I'd rather not spend the remainder of my afternoon, listening to Marwin talk about how hot she thinks Kolvar is" I tell him
"I see,and you don't share her view?"Elrond asked.

"Just because some elf stands away from every looking moody all the time doesn't instantly make him attractive"I say" There could be a good reason as to why Kolvar keeps to himself"
"You make a good point"Elrond said
"Besides there is only one moody looking elf that has my attention,and that is you my lord"I say"Unlike Marwin I don't form attractions to people after just meeting them"
"I would recommend keeping an eye on her though,incase Kolvar isn't interested in her and breaks Marwins heart"Elrond said.

"I will let Lunna know the next time I see her"I say"But for now"I step back over to the elf lord and kiss him again. After getting the first hesitant kiss out of the way,the others will flow more easily especially since we both now know the truth. And after that and in time,there will be the chance to let everyone else know. My friends and Elronds family,they might not be so keen on the idea of a new woman in there father's life. I don't have to worry about that now,I'm just going to enjoy kissing Elrond and worry later.

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