4) Coincedence?

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A/N: Welcome at chapter 4! Enjoyyy❤️

The next day we all stand up pretty early. Sofia and Stacey are incredibly excited. I actually don't expect the boys to actually be at the beach. I mean, why would a random footballer invite us to come to the beach with them?

Maybe they're just pranking us by not actually being there. I didn't respond to Pablo's last text:

@ Pablo.Gavi: Can't wait😉

I also don't know when they're at the beach, but Sofia and Stacey don't seem to bother. They just wanna go there and stay there all day to see if they spot them.

Luna says it's bullshit, but I of course were coming with them. 'Okay what bikini should I wear?' Sofia says and she walks to me and Luna, we're still laying in our bed. She holds a pink one and a dark blue one. 'Which one screams sexy?' she asks. 'Dark blue.' I respond.

'The pink one is more cute, dark blue is sexier.' Luna says. Now Stacey comes into the room wearing a black one. 'Is this one good? Do you guys think Fati will like it?' She says. Luna rolls her eyes. 'He'll drull.' I say sarcastically. Stacey rolls her eyes and Luna giggles. Then she walks back into the bathroom. 

'What are you guys going to wear?' Sofia asks me and Luna. Luna shrugs and grabs Sofia's pink bikini from the bed. 'Can I borrow?' She asks. 'Of course.' Sofia says. Luna nods. 'Okay I'll wear this.' She says. 'I think I'm gonna wear my red bikini.' I say. Sofia nods. 'Okay be quick me and Stace wanna leave in 10 minutes.' she says. 


An hour later, we all lay in the hot sun at the beach of Barcelona. It's pretty busy and everywhere are kids and other people swimming or tanning. We just lay on our towels. I can't imagine a famous footballer coming here to spend a day. First of all, there are people everywhere so they'll get recognized, second of all, it's freaking boring here. 

Sofia sighs. 'I'm hungry.' She says. Stacey nods. 'Same. Who's gonna grab food?' She asks. Luna stands up. 'Does anyone has money?' She asks. I nod. 'I'll come with you. Should we order fries?' I ask. 'Sounds good to me.' Stacey says and she closes her eyes because of the sun. 'Okay we'll be back in a second.' Luna says and we both stand up

The little food tent at the beach is completely deserted. It was a five minute walk, and is separated from the beach. It's behind the toilets and if you walk a little further you'll come at the "private" cabins. You can rent them to spend a day and is popular for bigger groups of people. 

The lady behind the bar looks old and it looks like she's barely awake when we smile at her. Luna and I look at the menu. 'Fries right?' Luna says. I wanna nod but suddenly we hear a loud scream.

It's not clear if its joyful, or fear. It looks like someone screams "stop...". We both turn around. 

'What was that?' Luna asks. The woman behind the bar looks more awake now and looks at the private huts worried. 'Should we go and check?' I ask Luna. The woman behind the bar doesn't seem to understand us, but Luna nods. We quickly walk towards the cabins. Then we hear a few loud bangs on a door.

'It's coming from that way!' Luna says and she points to the right. 

We walk... and walk and then we see a girl. She has brown long hair and she's banging on a door of one of the cabins. 

'Guys let me in! It's me!' she screams. 

'Hey is everything okay? Do you need help?' Luna screams. The girl turns around and then we see that she's pretty, and she looks friendly. But instead of smiling and saying she's alright, she gives us a dirty look and she says: 'Who are you? And what are you doing here?'

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