14) Meeting the other wags

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When we arrived at Ferran's, we immediately see many familiar faces. I don't have much time to look around when I feel a hand on my wrist, pulling me along. I see that it is Mikky and I willingly let her take me along. Better to go with her than stay with Pablo a second longer.

'Hey! All the girls are over there, I want to introduce you to some people.' I nod vaguely while looking over my shoulder. Pablo is standing with Pedri and he looks at me in confusion.

Ferran's house is large and confusing. There are all kinds of random corridors and it feels like some kind of maze. As if I cab get lost in there forever. We don't see many people on the way, just Ansu who came from the toilet and mumbled hey.

Mikky and I end up at a large couch, a few other girls are sitting and chatting to each other. I immediately recognize Aurora and Sira, and Mikky and I sit down. Aurora smiles kindly when I arrive. Sira doesn't notice me, because of her wild discussion with an older woman next to her.

'I just think that my future children should at least have my last name! I mean, I carried them in my belly for nine months, and then my husband gets to take the credit? I do not think so!'
'Sira, the whole point is that you have carried the child for so long that the man still has something. You will always been connected to the child in some way because it lietrally comes out of you. What does the man have to do with the child if he didn't carry it?' Sira rolls her eyes. 'Hmm what does the male have to do wi the child? I don't know, what about the sperm cells that got into me-'
'Guys, I'd like to introduce you to my friend Elena.' Mikky says and Sira turns around, a bit startled.

'Oh hey Elena! Can I get you something to drink?' Sira asks.
'Oh no, I'm fine.' I say shyly, now that all eyes are focused on me. Aurora puts her arm around me.

'Elena, this is Ana, Lewandowski's wife and Kathrine, Christensen's girlfriend.' she says. I quickly shake hands with the two other women.
'But, where was I? Ooh yes! So the sperm cells-' Sira wants to continue but Mikky gives her a warning look. 'Let's continue this conversation another time, Sira.' Ana says and she smiles.

'So, you're officially Gavi's girlfriend, or more like dating?' I don't know if she means it derogatorily, and I can't tell from her tone whether she means something good or bad. 'Yep, my brother finally has a decent girlfriend. Who would have thought that.' Aurora says and she grins.

'Yeah, you're definitely an upgrade after that last one.' Sira says, throwing back her drink. 'What was her name again?' Kathrine asks.
'Isabella.' Ana replies, this time her voice dripping with disdain.

'Now well guys, let's not talk about Pablo's exes.' Mikky says and gives Kathrine a warning look. 'Which one do you mean? He's had so many...' she says, pretending to think for a long time. 'It's not that bad.' Mikkys says to me quickly and she smiles kindly.

'It is OK. No offense to anyone here, but we can all agree that Pablo is the greatest fuckboy on the entire team.' Kathrine says and I see that she is inspecting me from head to toe. 'His past doesn't matter, he's with Elena now.' Aurora says and she squeezes my hand. 'I think he really likes you.' she says reassuringly.

Kathrine scoffs. 'He was like that to his ex, and the one before that... and the one before that. He's only eighteen, right? Wow, so young to settle down on one person.' I press my lips together. I don't like Kathrine. If I had really been in love with Pablo I would have felt really insecure about our relationship right now. Luckily that's not the case, in fact, I have 0 feelings for Pablo and the fact everyone thinks he's a fuckboy only confirms my prejudices.

I think, and I look straight at Kathrine. She smiles, but I can tell it's fake.
'It's young indeed, but we're quite serious and besides, I don't care about his past. I know what he is like now, and that's what matters.' Kathrine nods slowly, clearly a little taken aback by my confidence.

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