7) Rules

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A/N: Heyy I'm back. Sorry it took so long! Please vote and enjoyy💞

The walk from the hotel to Camp Nou isn't that long.

It's only a few minutes and google maps shows me the way. While I'm walking, I get a call from Julius.

'Hey! Shouldn't you be on a plane right now?' I ask.
'Yeah, in a few minutes, but we have a problem...'

I stop walking. A problem? Ooh hell no!

'Mom knows something is off and she just fixed a deal at the airport customer service. She's coming to Barça next weekend, to see you, your friends and your house.'

All I can do is gasp. Shit shit shit.

'Listen, I gotta go but we have to find a house. Today.'
My throat is dry. 'Elena?'
'Yeah sorry. Have a good flight.' I say and then I hang up the phone.

Great, so now I can't go back anymore, this is my last chance.

When I arrive at the big stadium, I wait a few seconds. Am I really gonna do this?

A few minutes ago, I was still certain, but now I'm not sure anymore. I don't wanna be famous... I don't like him. What if I fall in love with someone else while I'm fake dating him? What will I tell my family? What if I fall in love with him? What happens when we break up?

But what will happen if I can't study here? What will my mother think when she finds out I've lived in a hotel for weeks and that me and my brother lied to her?

It would solve all of our problems...

I sigh and step forward. The automatic slide doors open and I enter the stadium. I enter a big hall, a woman is typing behind the counter and she notices I walk in.

On the walls, I see big pictures of the football players. Pablo is literally staring into my soul. I just walk past it, trying to focus on the woman behind the counter.

'Hi... ehm...' I'm not sure what I was gonna say. I haven't thought that part through yet. 'I would like to talk to Pablo... Gavi.' I say. The woman pulls up her eyebrows. 'Is he expecting you?' She asks.

'No. Well, maybe.' I say. The woman smirks. 'Sorry but I can't just let random people in without an appointment or Pablo's accordance that you're supposed to be here.'

I bite my lip, I always do that when I'm nervous or awkward.

'Listen I think that if he'd see me he would let me in right away, I just need to talk to him.'
'Listen, you're pretty gorgeous, but Gavi doesn't date fans and he has enough phone numbers. I can't let people in.' She says

'I'm not a fan!' I say. The woman sighs, she probably deals with this every day. 'Listen we have a gift shop. Maybe you could take a look there otherwise I can't help you.'
'And you can't just get him here to tell you that he knows me? Please I just want to ta-'
'The boys are training, goodbye.' The woman says and she starts typing on her computer again.

This isn't really working... this woman clearly isn't excited to help me out. I turn around when another girl enters the slide doors.
She's typing on her phone, but I recognize her immediately.

It's Sira, Ferran's girlfriend. I'm not sure if I should say hi or not but then she sees me.
'Hey!' She says. I smile. 'Hi!'
'What are you doing here?'
'I... I wanted to speak to Pablo about something... but I can't get in.' I answer. Sira looks at me and she doesn't answer.

Then she walks passed me to the counter. 'Excuse me I need to speak to Ferran. And that girl over there...' she points at me. 'She's with me.' Sira says. She beckons me and I come to stand next to her.

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