21) Tension

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I bow over to Pablo, while I feel the energy in the jacuzzi completely shifts. Everyone is dead silent, waiting, having their full attention at Pablo and I. He looks up at me, still in surprise. 

I am still a bit irritated. I'll always be a bit irritated by him. Cocky, big ego, selfish. Three characteristics I cannot stand. However, he did give me a house and he claims to care about me. The only thing he asks me to do, is pretend I'm madly in love with him.

I've never been madly in love. I've had boyfriends... lots and lots of boyfriends. All turned out to be assholes, or cowards, or just stupid teenage boys. They were all crushes, temporary and a bit tiring. 

Unconditional love. 
When even at their worst moments in life, you still find them beautiful.
You love their laughs, their kind words, their shouts of triumph. 
But you also love their cries, their cursing, their shouts of anger.
You like their flaws, understand their traumas, but most importantly: they never bore you.
You seem to never get tired of them, they'll always find a way to amaze you.
You need zero energy to be with them, you need zero payment to be with them.
All you need is them, everything of them.
That's unconditional love.

Nope never had that feeling. 
Anyways, back to Pablo, let's just get it over with.
I'll just give him a quick kiss. French, but quick.
His hands are still on the sides of the jacuzzi so I'll just put my hands on his chest, stick my tongue down his throat and stop it. 

I bow over until I can see the water drops in his eyelashes and then I plant my lips onto his. An electric shock floods through my entire body and I try to focus. This has to look passionate, as if we do it every day. 

His lips are pressed against mine and I try to dominate the kiss. Unfortunately, Pablo decides to take over. He quickly puts his hands on the side of my waist and presses me against him, while our tongues intertwine. Every inch of my body tingles while Pablo moves his hands more under water to my ass... 
okay someone's getting a little too excited... the hand on my ass is not really necessary, but I decide not to focus on it.

My nose is pressed onto his cheek while he keeps moving his own mouth and mine, until my tongue starts to feel tired. We find a perfect pace while our mouths are perfectly coordinated, as if we've done it a million times before. My body keeps heating up and the jacuzzi is not really helping with that. Suddenly I feel something hard pressing my lady part. 

What's that hard thing? Oh...
Then I realize.
Is he seriously turned on right now? We are literally faking a kiss and he's horny...
Why do I feel flattered by that? 
Just ignore it... just ignore it... we have to focus.

'Jesus guys! Get a room!' my mouth immediately stops, but Pablo gives me one last kiss on my mouth before he lets go of me. I quickly sit next to him again and fix my hair. Ansu smiles. 'Damn Pablito, I thought you guys were waiting till marriage!' 
'What's that supposed to mean?' Sira says and she sighs. 'I think they've proved that they're not fighting.' she continues. 'So let's quit the conversation now.
'Yeah they have. Now it's you turn Sira.' 
'Hell no Ale. You wish.' she says and I see Ferran looks a bit disappointed. 

'Someone take the wine from Ansu.' Pedri says and Ferran goes over to him. A little fight arises between the two and there's finally no attention on Pablo and I anymore. I look at him a bit but he avoids my gaze.

'Okay guys let's go to bed, it's late.' Pedri says. 'Yes papi Pedri!' Alejandro responds and Pedri gives him a slap in the face. 'Shut up.'
Everyone slowly gets out of the jacuzzi but Pablo stays in. 'I'll be there in a sec.' he says and I see him peaking down. Is he seriously looking at his... manhood? 

'Yeah I'll stay with him.' I yell at the rest and they start walking into the garden back to the villa. When they finally get back into the house me and Pablo look at each other. 

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