6) You owe me one

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Enjoyy <33

'I want you to be my girlfriend.' 

Again my mouth falls open. 'I told you to NOT freak out!' Pablo says. 

'How can I NOT freak out about this?' I ask. A silence falls. 

'Ooh and by the way my answer is-'
'You promised to let me explain first.' Pablo says. I scoff.
'First, you dare to sit at my table with my mother and father, and then you ask me to be your girlfriend?' 

'Well, your brother and father insisted me to sit down... and I still haven't explained it yet.' Pablo says.
'Please?' he asks. I sigh.

'Okay... so. You've met my crazy ex Isabella...' he starts. I nod. 'Well, it keeps getting worse. She keeps following me and stalking me, the team and even my sister. And as you know I also have lots of female fans...' Pablo says. 'It's not that I'm bothered by it, but sometimes it's just a little bit much. So I told Xavi, my trainer, and he told me that in the past it helped footballers when they got a girlfriend. He said lots of football players got less attention from fans as soon as they were in relationships. So, he said that if I liked a girl, I should go for it.' 

'So you like me?' I ask. He stays silent, 'You don't even know me...' I say.

'Well, you're stubborn and annoyed most of the time you're with me. But the point is that I don't have feelings for you.' I look at him in confusion.
'Listen Elena. I already told you that I don't want a girlfriend.' Pablo says. 

'Wait now you're saying two different things... do you want a girlfriend or not?'
Pablo smiles. 'You're right. I don't want a relationship, but I want people to think I'm in a relationship with someone...' Pablo says. 

'Okay and why do you need me for that?' I ask. 'You could've taken any girl from the fucking street and she would probably go out with you.' I answer. 

'That's the fucking point. You don't like me right?' Pablo asks. 'Not in that way.' I answer. 'That's why you're perfect. We could fake-date.' Pablo says.

'Fake date?' I ask.
'Yes. We could pretend we're dating in front of the whole world, but without having feelings for each other!' Pablo says as if it's the best idea ever. I'm speechless.

'Pablo... I can't.' I say. 'Why not?' Pablo asks, he sounds disappointed.

'Well, I don't wanna be famous! And it isn't really benefiting me in any way!' I answer.
'Yes it is. I can rent an apartment for you!' Pablo says. I raise my eyebrows. 'Really it's nothing. And that creepy guy that grabbed you in the club?' 

'What about him?'
'I could protect you from him.'

'I don't need your protection! My brother is taking care of it.'
'Elena if guys want to hurt you, they will.' Pablo says.

'I mean.. you owe me one.' Pablo says. I raise my eyebrows.
'I saved you from that guy in the club.' 
'Pablo that cost you two seconds. This will cost me 6 months!'

'We can help each other. You with my fans and ex. And I can help you with your living problems and scary guys! It's actually a great idea!' Pablo says. 

'I think any homeless girl would love to date you!'
'Yeah but they'll catch feelings...' Pablo says.

'What will my parents think?' I mumble more to myself than to him. 'Your dad kinda liked me...'
I sigh, I have a head ace. 'Sorry Pablo, but I can't do this.' I say. Pablo looks at me, he genuinely looks sad about it. He probably isn't used getting turned down...

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