Chapter 9 - Getting through

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I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed, talking things through with Eda has been a marvelous idea after all. I brush my teeth and get downstairs noticing Eda sitting on the sofa being covered with books all around.

"Hi Eda, how are you, looking for something?"

"Indeed I am, after our talk I wasn't able to sleep so I decided to go through some of my old notes. I stumbled across an old book mentioning something called Titan's Blood. I think I've heard that before but I can't remember where. Could you take a quick trip to the library and research this for me, you know that my card is more than suspended..."

"Sure thing, glad to help, I will eat something and I will be on my way."

"Thanks kiddo, you're a real live saver."

I step over King sleeping on the carpet and get to the kitchen, grabbing 2 griffin eggs and what is left of bread. After breakfast, I grab my bag and head to the city. Clouds are forming in the sky but I hope it won't rain at least till tomorrow. As I slowly make my way to the library I notice that there are surprisingly no coven scouts around, I wonder what they are up to. Upon getting to the library I see Willow standing on the stairs, clearly waiting for someone.

"Willow! Hi, how you doin'?"

"Oh, hey Luz, good to see you, I'm doing great, you?"

"Never better." I say "Are you waiting here for someone?" I ask inquisitively.

"As a matter of fact, I am waiting for Gus, he asked me out on a date." Woah, didn't expect that one.

"In a library?"

"Nah, that's just our meeting spot, he said that he has planned something special."

"Gus making moves I see... Anyway, I'm glad you are here, I've been meaning to ask you something. Did Amity visit you recently? She promised me to do so after the duel." I washed off Willow's smile with that question.

"Well, she did."

"From the look on your face, I'm guessing it didn't go particularly well."

"You're guessing right, I gave her a piece of my mind. Let's say a simple forced apology is not enough to convince me that she changed in any way, I know her for too long to buy that."

"Then I'm sorry for sending her, I didn't know your relationship was that rocky."

"That's not your fault Luz, you couldn't have known. Moreover, I wasn't the one taking a verbal beating during this conversation, throughout the years I learned how to stand up for myself so no one can hurt me as Amity did." As much as I would love to help Willow reconcile with Amity I think this time my shenanigans wouldn't be enough.

"Well, I'm not here to dig into your backstory even though I would love to know more details." Willow nods, thanking me for understanding "But... I can torment you a little more regarding your date with Gus."

"I suppose I can't get away from that one." Willow chuckles.

"So first of all simple; How? I mean you were always good friends but I never would have thought there was something more there."

"Well, honestly I don't know how, I want to give Gus a chance to prove himself. I'm not sure how I feel, but I had an opportunity to decline the invitation, and yet I didn't."

"Interesting..." I say, my mind feeling up with so many questions. Unfortunately, my thought process is interrupted when Gus gets to the library stairs.

"Hey Willow, oh, and Luz; I didn't expect you here." He says

"Don't worry Gustifer, I was only passing by." He stands there confused a little, I love messing with him using those over-the-top nicknames. He turns his head toward Willow.

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