Chapter 23 - Amity alone

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The time has come, the meeting was today. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly. We are supposed to meet Eda at the night market at sunset. I'm not sure what I should wear for such an event but I think I will stick to something comfortable, surely not a dress, even though Gus would probably love to see me in one.

When I reach the meeting spot Gus is already there, though the same can't be said about Eda. I can't believe how he always gets everywhere before me. I mean, it's not like I'm going anywhere 30 minutes early, but damn, this is punctuality on another level. Anyway, I greet him and we wait for Eda together. She came 20 minutes late, but I wouldn't say it's surprising. She took us to the docks, to some kind of abandoned warehouse. Well, guess not that abandoned. It was the only warehouse with any sign of activity. It's not the best in terms of security, but considering how incompetent the emperor's coven can be it should be enough.

Inside we met a group of around 20 witches, honestly, I thought there will be more... I noticed a shadowy figure standing on some kind of podium, probably the leader.

Before I get a chance to figure out who is this Eda yells; "Hey, Rainstorm, come here for e second!" The hooded person steps down and approaches us.

"Eda, not in front of everyone, please... It's making me nervous... Let's go outside, shall we?"

We did as 'Rainstorm' advised, when we were outside I was finally able to see their face.

"These are the two recruits I've told you about. You think they can fit in?" Eda asked.

"They seem pretty young... though it's not like we couldn't use another pair of hands, or two pairs in that case."

"Thank you very much, but we are not THAT young." Gus said, it's kind of his thing to remind everyone that we are not children anymore, even though technically he is still 17.

"Understood, so, what are your names then?"

"I'm Willow and this is Gus, but personally I like to know the name of my superior."

"I shouldn't... Dang it, Eda will tell you anyway, I'm Raine Whispers."

"The coven head Raine Whispers?!" Gus exclaimed, honestly I was surprised as well but didn't show it as much. How is it possible that I didn't recognize them before?

"Yes, yes, the coven head, not that loud, I beg you. Someone could hear us."

"Chill out Rainstorm, the docks are empty anyway, let the kid be amazed, he probably never met a coven head before." Eda said.

"Well, we met Lilith, I think that counts." Gus argued.

"She was off the coven head duty by then, but have it your way Goobs. Let's get back inside, I think everyone is waiting for us."


The first two weeks of school turned out to be quite smooth, at least after I put Jamie in his place. Surely, I wasn't the most popular girl in the school, but the whole new girl drama brought some attention to me. Not that I cared, I always had Luz. Well, then Luz got sick, and for the first time, I had to face a school day alone.

To be frank, the first period wasn't that bad, though I think everyone noticed Luz's absence. Maybe I was being paranoid but I felt like everyone was watching me. I hoped that during the break I will get... well, a break, but I've got quite the opposite. As soon as I left the classroom a group of girls approached me.

"Hey, you must be Amity, right? I'm Tracy, and this is Jennifer, Shannon, Gwen, and Margo. We were hoping that you may want to upgrade your social status and join us instead of hanging out with this weirdo all the time." The first girl said. I raised my eyebrow and it looked like she got the message. "I mean Luz, of course, why would I say anything different." She corrected herself.

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