Chapter 30 - Looking at the Stars

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Waking up in a bed was a pleasant surprise since I did not remember going there. It must've been Amity's doing. I had no idea what time it was or for how long I slept. At least I was well-rested, though extremely hungry. At last, I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I walked in and noticed Amity preparing breakfast, indeed, the most awesome of all awesome girlfriends.

"Hi Luz, you want some?" she asked, pointing at a plate full of sandwiches.

"Yes, I don't remember when was the last time I ate something."

I sat next to Ami and gave her a quick kiss, making her blush. I took a PB&J and started eating. "So, did anything interesting happen after I went to sleep yesterday?" I asked after I finished the first sandwich.

"As for progress, not much. Lilith stopped by for coffee, we talked a little about everything, but once again, nothing work-related."

"She wasn't concerned that she would run onto me?" I asked, knowing Lilith didn't like me too much.

"Not really, I think she processed the whole thing a little bit and shouldn't be too negative towards you. Additionally, I was doing my best to convince her you are not that bad. So don't be surprised if she comes to ask you something about the human realm, after I gave her coffee she wanted to learn everything about humans."

"That's... nice, I suppose." It was good to know that I'm not on Lilith's naughty list anymore. After all, she is Eda's sister and I would prefer a friendly relationship with her.

When we finished breakfast we decided it was time to get back to work, and considering the break we took yesterday, there were a lot of glyph combos to test. We worked tirelessly for hours but didn't achieve anything groundbreaking. The biggest obstacle was the fact that the glyphs seemed to work in an illogical way. For instance, sometimes a fire glyph would add additional energy to the combo, and sometimes it would change the combo entirely, but usually, it did not have any effect whatsoever.

After sunset, I took a break. While Amity kept working I went outside for a stroll through the forest. After a while, I ended up in a familiar clearing. This was the place where I dueled Amity for the first time. It immediately brought back memories, and even though we fought back then I felt like it made us closer to each other. I sat on a rock and thought about how far I'd come since my first day on the Boiling Isles. For once being left alone with my thoughts wasn't a problem. I gazed at the stars, looking for an inspiration. I was used to the Boiling Isles sky, but something felt off. At first, further analysis didn't help, but I knew I couldn't just let it go.

Scrambling a light glyph on the ground, I took a pan and a piece of paper out of my pocket and started sketching the sky. It looked like there was some kind of a pattern to it. I tried looking from different angles but I couldn't grasp what I was looking at. I didn't know why but I felt as if I was missing something. Ultimately, I gave up and went back home, but took the paper with me. I planned to show it to Amity, hoping that maybe she could help. I couldn't explain why, but I felt like the Isles were trying to tell me something that I shouldn't miss out on.

Instead of walking, like a normal person, I ran back to the Blight manor. I stormed inside, scaring Amity. She almost fell off her chair when she saw me.

"Amity, Amity..." I said, panting.

"Hey, Luz, slow down. What is it?"

"It's- It's- I know it may sound weird, but it's the stars, look." I said handing her the paper, "Something is off about them."

She looked at the sheet intricately and frowned, "True, something is off, I never saw something like this before. Are you sure you saw it correctly?"

"100% sure, I don't know why, but I have a feeling it is important."

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