The force within - preview

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Luz woke up in an Imperial jail cell, nothing extraordinary yet not convenient. The worst part was the soreness after the interrogation. She decided it would be best to rest a little more before escaping.

After gathering some strength, it was time for action. Luz tapped into the force and examined the lock, feeling every wire and circuit. It looks like she got the usual, the basic cell. She wondered when the Empire would learn that such means aren't enough. Hopefully not too fast, but she knew that she would have liked some kind of a new challenge. After a minute she found the right system and the ray shield went down. Now it was only a matter of retrieving her gear, it would be a shame if such fine blasters would go to waste.

She made her way to the precinct's storage, hoping she wouldn't face any stormtroopers. She would be able to deal with them, but using the Force was extremely risky. For once, luck was on her side, and she reached the door unspotted. Now all that was left to do was go through the door. Once again, she wanted to take the Force routed, but this time when she tried to get into the lock she felt a cold, disturbing presence. Without losing a second, she backed away and tried to do a little cut-off from the Force. Luz didn't want to know the source of the disturbance, especially because when you try to look for it, it can look for you too. Unfortunately, this inconvenience left only one way in. The air vents, and knowing the Empire and how they care about the low levels of Coruscant, they will be far from clean.

Luz hated crawling through tight spaces, she preferred maneuverability, yet compared to some of her jobs, it wasn't too bad. Her thoughts went back to hunting a Gungan in the underwater caves of Naboo, that was a real claustrophobic experience. Still, the amount of filth in the vent was unprecedented considering it is theoretically a government facility. Nonetheless, she had to go through with it, and so she did.

Accessing the storage room was easy, finding her belongings, that's something else. It took twenty minutes of looking through contraband to find what was hers. Grabbing everything from blasters to all her gadgets she was ready to leave. Although, spending another 10 minutes to check out the rest of the confiscated stuff wouldn't hurt.

Despite not finding anything particularly interesting, it was time to head toward the exit. Now, Luz didn't have to be afraid of any patrols, but she still would prefer to leave unnoticed.

Getting out was as easy as escaping and getting into the storage. It raised Luz's suspicion since usually she had to face at least a few guards while escaping, and while the storage run could be possible, it all seemed too lucky. Ultimately, she couldn't do anything with it right now, she was free once again. The plan seemed simple, to find a nice bounty, a ship, and get off Coruscant for a while since she was getting caught here too often. If she was to do so, she still had to drop by her base and prepare for a longer trip. Looking once last time at the weirdly empty precinct she turned around and headed home, making sure she wasn't being followed.

At last, Luz reached her hideout. She noticed that someone had followed her since her escape, but she was sure those weren't stormtroopers. As she was about to enter she felt a wave of darkness, a darkness she had never felt before. By then it was too late, she failed in losing her tail, and whoever was after her found this location. If only she could casually reach her ship at the back of the facility.

"Wishful thinking," she thought to herself, but decided to go for it anyway. Unsurprisingly, as soon as she went through the door she was greeted by a shadowy figure waiting inside. Meaning only one thing, it was time for some lightsaber action.


Here we go, the preview is here. I hope you enjoyed it and await the story. There isn't much to say here, aside from the schedule. I started college meaning I have less time to write. The general plan is one part every week, on Sundays. If it's late, well, you can yell at me in the comments or on my Instagram, however, I will try my best to inform you if a part will be postponed. That's all for now, see you on Sunday :p

lil edit: it turns out college is much harder than I expected XD Well, it might take much longer till we see each other again, I'm not sure how long though. Sorry guys, I will try my best but it's physically not possible right now.

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