Chapter 12 - A cave, an Oath, and finding yourself

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We were falling, and believe me, it was worse than any rollercoaster imaginable. This feeling was frightening, but I had to think fast. Activating random glyphs, I found a basic light spell and tried to locate the anti-falling combo. I saw Amity trying to stop her fall with her staff but instead of decelerating her, it shattered into pieces, hopefully at least the palisman survived.

Finally, I pulled out two of the combos I was looking for, though we were not falling for long, it felt like an eternity. Without wasting a second I use the glyph on myself, at least I won't crash into the ground, whenever the ground appears, but I still have to give the second combo to Amity.

"Amity! Grab this, it will help." I yell to Amity but I'm not sure if she can hear me considering the speed we are falling. I try to get closer to her, at first, she tries to resist but I manage to snap the combo on her just before we hit what would be the ground. As expected, my fall is fully amortized, but the same can't be said about Amity. The combo partially worked; she slowed down quite a lot but still hit the ground pretty hard.

We landed in some sort of a cave, I couldn't see anything, so I tried to scramble a light glyph on the ground. It didn't come out perfect but at least I was able to get a proper one from my bag. I looked around but saw no sign of Amity, however, I noticed the remains of her staff lying next to me. Fortunately, the palisman itself seems to be undamaged so I take it with me and start looking for the green-haired witch.

"Amity! Amity! Are you there, say something."

Initially, I'm faced with no response but after some looking around, I pick up a weak "here" coming from a different part of the cave. I make my way there as fast as possible and find Amity lying on the ground. Surely, she didn't have a soft landing, she lies there, scratched up, even bleeding a little bit.

"Oh my gosh, Amity, are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay? And why do you suddenly care human, I can handle myself, thank you very much."

"You don't have to be so mean about it, I saved your life, so yes, thank me." I say, as much as I want to help her, I won't let her go all over me.

"If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here, so I suppose that cancels out. Now, out of my way." She tries to stand up but fails miserably, I look at her leg and it's twisted at an unnatural angle.

"I suppose, you need some help after all."

"I do not. Let me just..." She tries to draw a spell circle, but the effect is similar to her standing up, it just flickers and disappears. I look at her triumphantly and observe how her expression changes from annoyance to disbelief and sorrow.

"Don't worry Amity, I won't leave you here. Come on, let me help you."

"I don't need your help; I can handle it."

"Stop it, you won't 'handle' anything. Your ankle is either severely twisted or broken so you are stuck here, without any magic. Don't be stupid Amity, you know you need me."

"I would rather wait here for help than go with you."

"Are you serious Amity? Please tell me you are not. There is no 'help' coming, either we do something, try to get out of here or we can stay and wait till we die from dehydration or any other reason. Swallow your pride and accept my help."

"Fine." She responds and I immediately help her stand up, I bet it's not the most pleasant experience for her but there is no way I'm leaving her here, no matter if she is my enemy or not.

" She responds and I immediately help her stand up, I bet it's not the most pleasant experience for her but there is no way I'm leaving her here, no matter if she is my enemy or not

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