Chapter 13 - Now or never

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We sat there together, I tried my best to comfort Amity while at the same time being astounded that she is letting me do that. As I was trying to be there for her I felt my thoughts drifting away, soon enough I noticed that Amity fell asleep on my shoulder. I adjusted my position and also went for a nap, we both needed it, the fight, the fall, it was all draining.

When I woke up Amity was still sleeping, I had no idea for how long we slept but it didn't matter, it's not like with have to rush our way out of here. I carefully stand up, making sure not to wake up Amity. I realize how hungry and thirsty I am, luckily, it's not a big problem since I can get whatever I need with glyphs. Getting water was extremely easy, I just melted some ice and here I had it, making something to eat was a bit harder.

Activating plant glyphs I tried to grow something edible but it was much harder than I thought. I remember when Willow was trying to do something similar it looked much easier. After a few tries I decided that I won't waste any more paper so I started to scribble the glyphs on the ground. Finally, after over 30 trials I managed to get a medium-sized carrot. Not the most nutritious meal, but better than nothing. The more I was trying the easier it got to grow something. It still required a lot of concentration but I was able to get something every 5 or so tries.

Finally, Amity also woke up, by this time I'd already prepared a small meal, nothing extraordinary, just some raw vegetables, but as I said, at least we have something.

Turn out that Amity isn't really talkative after waking up so we ate in silence, regardless, I was joyous that I managed to convince Amity that I'm not her enemy. When we finished eating she started to brighten up once again. Once again, I let her lean on my shoulder and we continued our walk. I even got my chance to talk about Azura with Amity. I have no idea how long we were expressing our love for the series. We stopped for a break when I realized that my legs are on fire. I was totally worn out, we must have walked for hours. The worst thing was that it didn't look like an exit was anywhere close.

It quickly became a cycle-like experience; We slept, ate something, and walked, and walked, and walked. I lost track of time but it all felt like an eternity. Luckily, Amity was slowly regaining her magical abilities and started to heal her ankle. By now she is able to slowly walk alone, but I'm still helping her from time to time to make sure that she won't re-injure herself.

After god knows how long we reached a wall, a fully vertical wall, but when I looked up I noticed a tiny ray of light, high above our heads. It could be an exit but I had no idea how are we supposed to reach it. Surely it was too high to just launch ourselves with a glyph and I wasn't sure if I could make a stable enough staircase. Amity couldn't help either, she was using most of her magic to heal her leg. I think that a pseudo staircase is our only option for now.

The worst thing was that I only had 15 sheets of paper left, not enough to make any kind of stairs, and considering my lack of engineering degree I'm not sure if I could create something stable even with unlimited glyphs.

I look at Amity, hoping that she has an idea of how to reach the light; "Any ideas?" I ask.

"How good are you at climbing?"

"Not good, definitely not good enough to climb this wall, it looks like it's at least 100 meters (330 feet)."

"I've been thinking, we could get a vine up there and then climb... I think I can help you with the climbing with a strength spell but I don't think I'm ready for such magic yet, I still have to rest."

"Do you think it will work?"

"Not sure, but that's our best option, I hope you are not afraid of heights."

"Moderately afraid, but I will manage."

Good thing that Amity has to rest a little more, because I also have to prepare myself for such an experience. The more I look up the more I'm terrified of what awaits me, hopefully, Amity's magic will be enough.

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