Chapter 9

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Simon's POV:

Harry and I had a shower, and after that, he gave me a shirt and pair of shorts to change into.

"I'm ready to sleep." He laughed, yawning.

"Come on then." I smiled.

We laid down in his bed, and I snaked my arms around his waist from behind. He pulled the duvet up over us.

"Night, Simon." He said sleepily.

"Night night, Harry." I whispered, kissing the top of his head.


Harry woke up first the next morning. I woke up to him rolling over in my arms to face me.

I smiled, looking deeply into his eyes.

"Morning." He whispered.

"Good morning." I grinned.

"You sleep okay?" He asked.

"Oh, I absolutely did after last night." I laughed, kissing him softly.

"I'm glad." He grinned against my lips.

"Did you want to do something together today? I'm enjoying spending time with you." I smiled, sighing happily.

"Yeah, I'd love that. Actually, there's a party tonight, someone from the football team is doing it. Did you want to come with me?" He asked.

"Yeah, that sounds great. A house party?" I checked.

"Yeah. Also, did you want to invite your roommate? Might be a good chance for you two to get on if you both hung out together, and I could meet him properly then. I know we technically know each other, but not on a personal level." He said.

"I'm not sure he's the party type, but I'll ask when I go home to get ready. We can meet you there if you text me the address." I told him.

"Okay, sounds good. I said I'd be there at 8, so if you meet me there at that time?" He asked.

"Yeah, okay. If I head home about noon, and then I can get some work done before I get ready. I probably won't get any done tomorrow if I'm hungover." I laughed.

"Good idea. I'll have to do the same. Though it is 11 now, you slept for a long time." He snickered.

"Well, I wonder why that is." I grinned. "Though I should probably get dressed and head back soon."

"One more kiss?" He grinned back at me.

I took both sides of his face in my hands, kissing him slowly, feeling him smile against my lips.

Harry pulled me on top of him, deepening the kiss as he held my body tightly against his. His hands roamed up and down my back, exploring every inch of skin as he kissed me harder.

"I'm never gonna end up leaving if this keeps going." I groaned, kissing him once more.

"That's fine, we'll have plenty of time to continue this later." He grinned.

"I'm gonna have to hold you to that." I smirked.

"Please do."

I groaned once more, kissing his neck just once before getting up and getting dressed.

"I'll see you later." He smiled.

"See you then, think about me." I smirked.

"I'm going to." He grinned.

I walked back to my apartment building and headed into my dorm. Josh was awake and sat at his desk.

"Hey. Got your note, don't worry, I didn't panic." He said as I sat down at my own desk.

"Okay, good." I smiled.

"Have a nice night?" He asked.

I just laughed with a grin, spinning back around in my chair to face my work.

"Okay, noted. I won't ask." He laughed, though his tone no longer seemed right. I decided to change the subject and ask him about the party.

I swung back around on my chair.

"By the way, there's a party going on tonight that I've been invited to. You wanna come with me?" I asked.

"Hmm, maybe. When, where, who's gonna be there?" He checked.

"We have to be there at 8. It's a house party at a second year's place. Mostly people in their second year, but we know a few from school, nobody that I don't like, though." I told him.

"Okay, sure. I'll go. I haven't exactly gotten out much since I've been here." He said.

"Awesome, we need to leave at 7:30, it's a pretty long walk. So get ready whenever you need to, just make sure I have time to shower too when I'm done working." I said.

"Yeah, of course, I'll shower at 5." He told me.

"Okay, yeah, I'll have one after you then." I nodded.

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