Chapter 5

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Laid on the bed reading the book you zone out the sounds around you as Sebastian and the phantomhive boy (whom you still didn't know the name of so always address him as smile, phantomhive, young boy etc.) were talking about some recent discoveries that help with their investigation. You get brought out of your zone when you keep hearing the young boy coughing.

"Smile. You better keep an eye on that cough." you say not looking away from your book "sounds like an asthma cough"

"And how would you know?" he says snarkily then coughs a little.

"Before I became a Shinigami I suffered with asthma. Don't believe me you can ask Grell" you respond nonchalantly.

"I'm fine" he grumbles.

"Whatever you say kid" you mumble rolling your eyes earning a glare from the boy but an amused smirk from the demon.

Just as they were about to discuss further you notice movement out the corner of your eye and look to see William with his Scythe not far from the boys foot.

" Your intruding on mine and Y/N' s property by 3 centimeters. You obviously incapable of staying apart just like a dog and it's owner" William states.

"Oi! Don't go dragging me into this. I have no problem with them being in my space" you say to the male with a scowl.

"Sebastian. We will talk about this more outside" the phantomhive boy says walking out while coughing and Sebastian following him.

"Seriously Y/N" William sighs "I have to wonder how your not classed as insane for not being disgusted by them"

"You met my sister. You of all people should know that being around her means I don't get disgusted easily by things" you sigh and proceed to read your book ignoring the glare from your senior.


William has been gone for a fair bit and of course your bored outta your brain so you get up and leave the tent. You wander around a bit when you hear Sebastian and Beast in a tent together talking. Curiosity get the best of you and you sneak over to listen and through a small crack you watch as Sebastian is stripping Beast of her clothing while seemingly having a conversation that you would normally expect over afternoon tea or an interrogation in a police station. Your eyes widen and you want to look away but your eyes are glue to the scene infront of you. As soon as you watch Sebastian thrust into Beast you swallow the saliva build up in your mouth as arousal builds up between your legs. As your watching this scene you glance up and your eyes widen in shock as you make eye contact with burning red eyes of the demon and a smirk forms on his face while he is still going to town on the woman who is completely oblivious of your presence. You do the only logical thing and that is to quickly scurry away back to your tent knowing William will keep you safe... You hope.


Sebastian never came back to the rent that night and you were relieved at that. You left the tent after William and follow him towards the doctors tent and you look at him confused. Till you come face to face with Sebastian and the young master of his. Your eyes widen and your face goes red making you quickly look at the ground.

"We have finished our buisness so we will be taking our leave" Sebastian informs you both.

"I have no interest in where you go as long as you leave that way me and Y/N can move around with ease" William states.

"I believe Miss Y/N has not been having that trouble" Sebastian says with amusement making you quickly shoot your head up in time to see the demons signature smirk before he walks off.

"What was he on about?" William asks you.

"I have no idea! Well now he is gone I best carry on investigating!" you exclaim quickly then rushing away in the opposite direction leaving a confused Shinigami behind.

My sisters crush (Sebastian x FEM reader) Where stories live. Discover now