Chapter 17

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(A/N: I have decided to not follow the plot line of the anime so all this will be made from my own imagination. Dunno if that's a good or bad thing but we shall find out!)

After that incident you got finished with the cleaning and headed straight to the kitchen to prepare lunch for the young master. You open the door and thank your perfect timing as you dive into top stop Bard as he puts up his flamethrower about to torch the meat.

"Fuck sake Bard! You tryna burn the the place down!" you exclaim as you take the offending device from the male.

"Aww come on Y/N. We need to be quick and efficient so this is the best possible way" he says tried to argue.

"No." is all you say and the male pouts "I'm going to hide this"

"Wait? What?" he asks as he watches you walk to the door.

"If Sebastian asks tell him I'm hiding this contraption" you tell him as you exit the kitchen.

You decide to go hide it in your room so you head straight there. On the way you see Ciel come round the corner.

"Y/N? Aren't you supposed to be preparing lunch?" he asks then sees the flamethrower "Why do you have that?"

"Bard tried to burn the kitchen down so I confiscated it and going to hide it" you tell him and he sighs.

"Very well. I appreciate you saving Sebastian a job and saving the mansion." he says "go quickly hide that thing then get back to the kitchen"

"Yes my lord" you say with a slight bow before scurrying back to your room.

Once entered you took it apart and hid part under your bed, parts in your wardrobe and parts behind the dresser then headed straight back to the kitchen seeing Sebastian there starting to cook lunch and Bard sulking in the corner.

"Bard don't be such a baby" you say as you put on an apron "if I didn't intervene and confiscate the flamethrower Sebastian would have and he wouldn't have been as nice as me"

"She has a point" Sebastian says and you glance at him seeing a smirk.

"Fine..." Bard says with a sigh "What do you need me to do Sebastian?"

"I'm sure you can wash and peel the carrots without needing assistance?" Sebastian asks as he is seasoning some beef.

"Aye" Bard says with a lazy salute and gets on with it.

"and what about me Sebastian?" you ask.

"The young master would like something sweet after dinner. Could you make French chocolate parfait ready for then?" he questions.

"Of course" you say with a smile and go to gather the ingredients then get down to making the desert.


Once the parfait is in freezer you check to see you have 40 minutes till lunch is served.

"What else do you want me to do Sebastian?" you ask looking around to see Bard washing up.

"Could you make a strawberry tart ready for the masters afternoon tea?" he asks and you nod getting straight onto it "In all honest I'm glad to make desserts their the one thing I know I'm good at"

"How come?" he questions.

"I tried cooking savory dishes and I mess up all the time somehow. But deserts especially cakes I make really good and always god alot of positive feedback especially from Grell" you say with a sad smile "she would always bug me to make these strawberry cookies for her birthday and christmas that was the only gift she ever wanted from me that and a big hug"

You stop putting in the tart crust ingredients as memories come to your mind.


"Y/N!!"  you hear from the front door.

"In the kitchen Grell?!" you shout back.

You finish placing the now cooled strawberry cookies into a beautiful red cookie box that as decorated with black roses and a red and black ribbon that you tide just as the red haired reaper comes in.

"Happy birthday Grell!" you shout happily as you hold out the box with a smile.

"Thank you Y/N!" Grell says happily taking the box excitedly "Are these my favorite cookies?"

"Of course!" you say happily.

"Aww your the best" she gushes as she places the box down and engulf you in a big hug which you return.

"Grell?" you say against her shoulder "Why do you only want cookies and a hug on your birthday and christmas from me?"

"Because my dear sister" she says while letting go to get a better look at you "the cookies are special because you only make them twice a year and always full of love as I requested and the hug because it makes me appreciate the fact your here for these special occasions even if we are reapers. After my death I missed being able to hug you and realised I took those moments when you did it spontaneously for granted because I used to push you away. I didn't realise how horrible it was to not hug you on my birthday and Christmas especially as you were there through thick and thin for me till my death. I didn't think I would do it again. Of course I wasn't impressed when I saw you turn up to the office but I appreciate that I got a second chance to make it all right. I don't want to feel that way again"

You stare at your sister with teary eyes before hugging her tightly. Grell laughs a little as she hugs you back basking in happiness she feels from having her dear sister back.

-Flashback ends-

You snap out of it when you feel a hand placed on your shoulder and look up to see Sebastian stood there with a hankey and dabs the tears the fell from your eyes.

"Sorry... I didn't realise I was crying" you mutter.

"Don't worry about it" Sebastian says with a small smile "Why don't you go have a break and I will take over making this"

"Are you sure? I really don't mind" you say with a small sniffle.

"I'm sure" he tells you.

"Thank you Sebastian" you say with a small bow as you step out the back door to the garden.

Your birthday is soon Grell... I hope everything will be sorted so we can meet to have that hug.

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