2. New bonds

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The next day ,
All the kuru kids had left to the ashram of Drona where they would spend 7 days. Drona asked the students.

Drona- A warrior has to choose a weapon which he/she is capable in. So choose your weapons.
Yudhi- Gurudev I will choose the Spear.
Bheem- I will choose the mace.
Arjun- I will choose the Bow.
Nakul & Sahdev- We will choose axes and swords.
Kaur- We will choose all the weapons rishivar.
Drona- in my ashram you can only choose one weapon.
Ash- I also wanted to learn about all the weapons Pitashree.
Drona- No! Not possible!
Kaur- Then we will tell tomorrow Gurudev.

The Kauravas went to there tent. While a boy with divine kavach and kundals came. He was none other then the son of Suryadev , Radhey Karna. He was brutally insulted by Drona.

While with the Kauravas they wrote a letter to Dhritarashtra and Gandhari stating what happened today. While Ashwatthama came there and told them about the rejection of Karna.

Suyo- It's against What Hastinapur stands for. I shall inform this to the Samrat and Samragini meaning my parents about the same.
Vik- Yes Jyeshth I will not study in this environment.
All- Yes jyeshth we will not!
Ash- - I will also not study in a place my interest is not respected.

The next day ,
Arjun saved Drona from a crocodile while the royals were on their way as they were called by the Kauravas and Bhishma came there as he wanted to see the problem.

As they were about to reach Arjun found out about Eklavya Practicing. He became insecure and Drona got to know that Eklavya used the statue of Drona to study and Drona asked him his thumb as he was going to cut his thumb he heard someone say stop. Drona turned to see Gandhari ,Dhritrashtra and Bhishma.

Dhri- Don't you know it's forbidden to ask for guru dakshina when not given the full education Drona!
Drona- Samrat I ...
Gan- Stop we need no explanation we are here as we were summoned by our children.
Drona- Why?
Bhishma- Because you have refused to give the the knowledge of all the weapons.

Suddenly the Kauravas came and touched the feet of their parents. Then Suyodhan said.

Suyo- That's not it mahamhim , Rishi Drona has disobeyed the rules of Hastinapur and he disrespected the common people of Hastinapur when they came in hopes of getting education.
Dhri- Hearing this I Dhritarashtra announce that you will not teach my children. You can teach the Pandavas but you will not get a place in Hastinapur royal court nor will you get life support.
Gan- Eklavya you come along with the Kauravas your education will be taken care of in Hastinapur.
Ash- Samragini can I also come?
Drona- Putra you will leave your father?
Ash- Yes because you are not teaching me all the weapons I want.
Drona- Fine go and when you'll find not guru don't come back to me again.

Soon they came on the outskirts of Hastinapur.

Gan- Putro now you can go to your own gurus and we will take Eklavya he will learn from kripacharya along with Shon the son of Adhirath.

Saying the 3 royals and Eklavya went towards Hastinapur.

99 kau- Bhrata we will go to Brahmarishi Vishwamitra to learn.
Sushala- I will go to Maharishi Vashisth bhrata.
Suyo- May you all be victorious.

Saying that they went from there leaving Suyodhan and Ashwatthama there.

Suyo- Let's go to Bhagwan Parshuram Ashwatthama.
Ash- But he only takes Brahmins as his students Mitra.
Suyo- But he is the avatar of lord Vishnu and also I am the boon of his guru Mahadev so he will surely take me as his student.
Ash- Fine let's go.

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