22. Sacrifice , Drunken Vow , Revival & Krishna sides with dharma

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Deep inside a forest ,
Bheem was walking though the forest steping on all the divine plants ruining them. That's when entered an unknown person and he challenged bheem to a fight.

The son of Vayu was beaten black and blue and had fainted. The unknown person took Bheem to the cave where his family lived.

Women- Putra who have you brought?
Son- No one Mate he was ruining the divine plants. He has ruined all the healer plants mate.

That's when his father came there. Seeing the face of the person the face of his father changed and he scolded his son.

Ghat- You idiot! He is your grandfather , he is my father and the husband mata Hidimbi , Vikodhar Bheem.

Soon Bheem gained consciousness and Barbarik apologised to his grandfather. Bheem seeing such a great warrior decided to ask his family with Hidimbi to join them which they agreed.

Bheem went to his camp with Hidimbi , Ghatotkach , Mauravi , Anjanaparvan , Meghavarna and Barbarika and introduced them to his family.

That's when Shri Krishna decided to test Barbarik. The Kuntiputra's were scared when they got to know that Barbarik could finish the war in 3 arrows and also the fact that he would side with the losing Sena.

They were scared for their Sena as the Kuntiputra's were sure that the Kauravas were losing. Yudhishthir and Kunti sighed in relief when Krishna took the head of Barbarik as dakshina.

Soon the other kids of the Kuntiputra's also came there and all started to have fun while in the camp of the Kauravas everyone was training for the upcoming war.

With the Kuntiputra's ,
Kunti , her sons , Draupadi , Bhishma , Drona and Vidhur were in the common room where they were discussing about the Madrinandan's.

Yudhi- We need them on our side as they have a big Sena with them.
Kunti- Why don't you put alcohol in their drink when you meet them? Then take a vow from them and Shalya when they are drunk.

The Kuntiputra's laughed at the evil plan of Kunti and they started their journey towards Madra. They were welcomed wholeheartedly and were envious of the prosperity of Madra.

They looked around and then Yudhishthir slipped alcohol in the water of Nakul , Sahdev and Shalya. The three were then tipsy as none consumed alcohol. That's when Arjun said.

Arjun- Vow to be on our side in the war you 3!
N , Sa & Sh- wE VoW tO Be oN yOuR SiDE.

The Kuntiputra's then started laugh that broke the Madrinandan's wife's and children there. The kids were shocked but when the alcohol drowned from their father and then Nakul Sahdev said.

Nakul- You might have deceived us but Nirmitra will not side with you! Putra you go and side with the Kauravas.
Sahdev- Suhotra you also go with Nirmitra.

In the Pandavas camp ,
Indra came and met Drona , Bhishma and Kunti and said.

Indra- If the Kauravas have to be defeated we need a powerful asur in our side.
Kunti- But who is that powerful asur?
Indra- That's what I wanted to ask you , for me all are like ants.
Bhishma- Kansa was a really powerful warrior and he could only die with the hands of Krishna. Since Krishna is on our side Kansa would not die.
Drona- No mahamahim , Kansa could be killed by the brahmaastra , Vaishnav Astra or the Pashupat Astra. I suggest Madhu Kaitabha , lord Vishnu fought 5,000 years to kill them.

Indra like the idea and then he revived the great asuras. The 2 asuras laughed and vowed that they will fight under Pandavas.

Seeing this Krishna was angered and he left to the Kauravas camp. The Pandavas were unfazed as they had the Sena of Dwarka and the main warriors still with them.

Krishna was welcomed wholeheartedly in the camp of the people accepted Krishna and his wife's.

Later that night ,
Krishna was sitting on the river banks of Yamuna were from far came Suyodhan. Krishna stood up and greeted him and said.

Kri- What brings you here samrat?
Suyo- Just wondering , why don't you invite all your kids and Shri Balram on our side.
Kri- I have sent a letter to them already samrat , they will be coming night before the war.

Suyodhan looked at the river then said.

Suyo- I suggest you to give the gyaan of gita to Karna.

Krishna looked at Suyodhan in confusion as to how did he know about the same.

Kri- How?
Suyo- Long story short , I have come from kaliyug. The tridev's and tridevi's were the ones who brought me here.

The block of Krishna opened and he realised who Suyodhan was along with Radha , Rukmini and Yamuna. Radha , Rukmini were coming when they heard the conversation and Yamuna heard it as it was on the river banks of Yamuna.

Suyodhan left and then Radha , Rukmini and Yamuna came there.

Kri- The one whom I wanted to be defeated was my own grandchild?
Radha- I never knew that Suyodhan was our grandchild.
Rukmini- The day of the curse is still fresh in my mind.

They nodded and then left to their tents. The next day the family of Dwarka came and the war would start tomorrow.

Authors note:-

Madhu Kaitabha revived. Happy?

What do you think about Barbarik's sacrifice?

What do you think about Nakul Sahdev's problem?

Suyodhan and Krishna. Happy?

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