19. Shanti prastav

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In the Sabha of Hastinapur ,
The entrance of Dwarkadish was announced. Krishna entered the Sabha and few moments later Karna also entered the Sabha. Looking at Karna Kunti felt a longing in her eyes which was notice by 3 people Karna , Krishna and Bhishma. Krishna then walked forward towards Bhishma and said.

Kri- Greating to the great warrior who is the backbone of Hastinapur. The world will remember you as a person who sacrificed his life for the betterment of Hastinapur and kuruvansh. The one who followed his dharma and karma.

Then he went in the middle of the Sabha and said.

Kri- Greating to the great king who is one of the best in the kuruvansh. The one who rules the kingdom.

Then Krishna went in front of Shakuni and said.

Kri- Greetings to the well known person who is an ace at his aims and goals. The one who abandoned his kingdom for the welfare of his sisters children. The one with cunning mind who guided the kuru kids.

Then Krishna went in front of Karna and said.

Kri- Greating to the person who is well versed in his knowledge.

Then he went in front of Ashwatthama and said.

Kri- Greetings to the father in law of my daughter.

Then finally Krishna went back to the centre and said.

Kri- Greetings to all the people who are present in the Sabha and are in favour of peace.

We teach our children to greet those who have done good things and are great people. I am not greeting you'll not because of your work , but I am doing so as you all are capable in finishing and to be free from the war. After which the dharma will prevail and if you all want you can stop Aryavart from mass destruction. I hope that you all stop the war and are in favour of me.

In the universe the most painful thing is the cracks that are formed in one's family. The word family means people who are there for you when you need them the most. The one who live together and be a constant support to each other. If a plant cuts another plant the existence of a plant is fully vanished. There is only grown and prosperity when a family lives together.

My only plea is that if one person from your kul is not nice , you should not put your whole kul on risk of losing them king Dhritarashtra. Because if war prevails the one might win but the vansh will break. That's why I Vasudev Krishna have come here as a messenger of peace from the side of the Pandavas.

This war will not only be between the two set of cousins but the whole Aryavart will take part in this war. Meaning there will be a mass destruction and your Vansh will be the main part of it. That's why I have come here to try to avoid the Great War and have peace within.
Suyo- Wow Dwarkadish wow , it has been ages since i have heard these type of peaceful words. We also don't want a war to happen , you have come here as a messaged so please tell us the message.

That's when all the people looked shocked mainly Bhagadatta.

Kri- Most of the things were built on adharma. So I have come here asking for justice for whatever injustice that happened in the Sabha towards the Pandavas and the humiliation of Draupadi in front of all the people be it kings and rajdoots. If that justice in not given the Pandavas will have to snatch that justice from you oh great king!
Suyo- Wait Dwarkadhish , the person responsible for the dyut has already been killed hence justice have been served.
Kri- It is the vow of the Pandavas ...

That's when Suyodhan cut Krishna and said.

Suyo- Not the Pandavas Dwarkadhish , not the Pandavas. It was the act of the Kuntiputra's not Madrinandan's.

Krishna looked at suyodhan and then said.

Kri- It is the vow of the Kuntiputra's to vanish the Vansh of Narkasur.
Srutavan- That's the adharma of your Sakhi Krishna.

That's when Bhagadatta said.

Bhag- Listen Dwarkadish the Kuntiputra's have lost their rights on their own. Now it belongs to us , they have no right in being the king or the freedom of Indraprastha.

Krishna after thinking said.

Kri- Keep everything you want maharaj Bhagadatta but as peace give Pandavas 5 villages.
Bhag- I will not give the a pinch of land as this was the right of my father who was the king during the dyut has been dead and I am succeeding him.
Kri- Then be it! The world will see a war that has never happened and that will never happen in the future! The greatest war ever! The mother of all wars! The Mahabharata!

Saying that Krishna was to leave that's when Suyodhan stopped him.

Suyo- Wait Dwarkadhish! Take away this person who is on our side to defend yours truly! Gangaputra Devrat you are released from your duties in Hastinapur and are kicked out of Hastinapur!

Time skip:-

The allies and all the people were now on the ground of Kurukshetra in anticipation of the war to begin. Jeevika was also there as she didn't want to go to Dwarka as for her now they were enemies.

Suyodhan didn't go to ask help from Dwarka hence the Sena of Dwarka and lord Krishna were on the side of Dwarka.

In the camp of Jeevika ,
Pradhyuma came to meet his sister as the people of Dwarka were forbidden from participating in the war he wanted to take his sister back to Dwarka. They both were unaware that Krishna , Radha and Rukmini were listening to the conversation.

Pra- Come to Dwarka jiji.
Jeev- No means no dhuyma.
Pra- What if something happens in the warzone jiji?
Jeev- I don't know the rules yet dhyuma. If I participate or not is still unknown to me. But there is only one thing that will come from this war which is destruction.
Pra- But what if something happens to Kartik jijashree?

Jeevika snapped her head towards Pradhyuma as she hadn't thought about it. But then she said something that shook her parents and her brother.

Jeev- If my arya is killed I will commit sati.

Authors note:-

Do you want the war from narrators pov or from Suyodhan's pov?

How was the Shanti prastav?

Bhishma is banished from Hastinapur happy?

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