Chapter 14: Down at the Bar

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The four waiting at the hotel's lobby finally sighed as both Ren and Leah finally went down. "What took you guys so long?"

"Sorry, I needed to clean things up first." Leah said in a slight apologetic tone. "I see." Thyme nodded.

"Guys let's go! The party will be over if we don't hurry up!" MJ and Kavin whined. "Wait—what party?"

She didn't have time to ask more as all the others walked away, no one told her they were going to a party.

Worry crept Leah as she wasn't used to parties, if it were the usual ball with gowns, she would be fine. But knowing F4, it would be more than just rich people dancing to waltz.

She dashed towards Gorya and held her hand tightly, whispering something in her ear. The boys couldn't hear them as they were also caught up in their own conversation.

"Gorya, where are we going? What party?"

"Wait, they didn't tell you?"

She shook her head in response, how could she know? If they planned something earlier maybe they forgot to mention it to her, or she just didn't pay too much attention.

"I don't know exactly where, but knowing them, I'd say we'll be heading straight for a bar."

As much as she was a high-esteemed lady from an upper class family, she couldn't handle her liquor. One glass would immediately knock her out.

Wine would be fine of course, but if it's vodka, champagne or any other drink that has a high dose of alcohol, then it's game over for her.

'Just great.'


They arrived at the place a few minutes ago, and Leah was definitely not loving her stay. She was new to the environment, even if she was invited to parties; it would be a dinner party or a ball.

The flashing lights and alcoholic smell began to choke her, she thought that her friends were okay with this, so she just had to put up with it.

Kavin led them to a somewhat private space. Her mind was finally at ease when the music died down a bit until the DJ blasted an even more powerful tune.

Turning her head from side to side, she could see girls seducing men, and couples making out. Her spine shivered.

'How can they stand to be in a place like this?'

Leah knew that the F4 were somewhat notorious for a few things, but she thought they would do it in a private space and manner, not out in the open like this.

They all sat down as waiters began to serve them drinks, she didn't want anything that could possibly make her drunk so she stuck herself with orange juice.

She was slowly getting used to the environment and started to enjoy herself, MJ, Kavin, Thyme and Ren were ordering more drinks from the bartender when two men approached the girls.

"Ooh, look what we have here."

"Can I both get your numbers?"

Leah and Gorya were both creeped out. "I-I'm sorry, but—" Ley was cut off when both men sat down next to each of them and began to touch their shoulders.

Her eyes were slowly brewing with tears that were aching to flow out, will she be molested? Harassed?

"Scared are we? This turns me on, Don't worry I'll take care of you, I'll be gentl—" the man couldn't finish his sentence when a fist suddenly made contact with his face.

"Bastard!" a furious voice came out of nowhere.

F4 arrived just in time, turns out that Gorya managed to break free when she didn't notice and informed the four.

When Ren saw what the bastard did, his eyes saw red.


Thyme muttered furiously, he also wanted to punch the guy but held down. This was Ren's target for now, not his.

Ren's fist kept on punching the man with force, he knew that his image would be damaged as the son of the Aira family, but at the moment. He didn't care who he was.

MJ and Kavin finally stopped Ren when they saw the man's nose was broken and blood flowed out heavily.

"Ren–that's enough!"

"Let go of me!"

Ren was never the fighting type of person, he preferred the most sensible and responsible way of dealing with problems and his friends knew that.

So it shocked the two playboys when they weren't able to pin him down, they didn't know where he got the sudden strength from.

When Leah snapped out of her trance and glanced at the man, all battered and bruised. When she realized Kavin and MJ couldn't hold him the raging f4 member for long, her feet sprinted towards Ren and held his face in her hands.

"Ren, Ren! Stand down, it's me Leah . . . I-I'm fine, please calm down."

Ren's eyes slowly had their light come back in it, until the man who layed down the ground grunted and moved.

"Son of a bitc—"

She didn't know what else to do and did the only thing in her mind without a second thought. She did the unthinkable.

Her lips met with the young Aira's.

Kavin and MJ immediately let Ren go, their reflexes told them to do so. The Aira stood there, wide-eyed and surprised.

He couldn't comprehend what was happening, but he found himself closing his eyes and hugging her waist.

He was the first to let go of the kiss, his hands found it's way to his pocket and threw something at the half-dead man.

"This should help you recover that broken nose. Consider yourself lucky that she was able to save you."

It was a card, more specifically, his family hospital's business card. It was a coupon of some sort, maybe to get extra discount for payment.

He held her face in his chest, covering the scene in front of her as people dragged the man away.

He took off the coat he wore and wrapped Leah around it, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Ren went closer to Gorya.

"Take her back to our room, she needs to rest."

She nodded and held her hand as both went out.


A/n: Damn. That escalated quickly.

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 - 𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗥𝗔𝗪𝗜𝗡 𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗔 [𝗙𝟰: 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗜𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗗]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant