Chapter 36.

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"I guess Danish came." She said and picked the call.

"Okay, I'm coming." She said and cut the call.

"Danish came to pick you up?" Hamid asked in a shock.

"Yes, mama sent him." Haya said with a smile.

"Ask him to join us." Hasan said this time.

"I don't think he would do that." haya replied with a weak smile.

"What do you want? Do you want him to join us or no." Hamid asked looking at her.

"You are asking me?" Haya asked with shocked expression.

"Ofcourse then who else."

Haya just got up and hugged Hamid and started crying. Everyone was taken aback for a moment but Hamid stood up and hugged her while caressing her back.

"Relax twinie." He said and broke the hug. Haya was just looking down while crying. Hamid made her look up and wiped her tears.

"What do I always tell you haya no matter what you should never look down, you should always held your head high because you are so strong."

Haya nodded at him with a smile.

"Okay now tell me what do you want? Should I call him inside or you want to go."

"Do you want to meet him." Haya asked in a whisper.

"Ofcourse, we want to meet him and make sure that he is taking good care of our sister."

"Will you ask him, he will not listen to me."

"What do you mean he will not listen to you. He have to listen and it's my twinie's wish how can't he not. I know he don't like our company but he can't deny you." He said holding haya's hand.

"We are going to get him." Hamid said to no one in particular taking haya with him while still holding her hand.

"Assalam ul alaikum Danish how are you man?" Hamid asked going near the driver's seat.

"Walikum as salaam. Fine."

"Come, You should join us." Hamid said ignoring his rude behaviour.

"No, I'm busy. Haya come in fast or else.."

"Or else what?" Hamid ask losing his temper.

"Hamid please. I'll go take care." Haya said with a smile.

"No, you are not leaving." Hamid said and held her hand.

"If your drama is over then get in car, I don't have much time. So get in or get lost and you know what will happen when you disobey." He said in anger making her gulp.

"What will you do? Huh? And she is not coming with you and what will do to my sister." Hamid roared while dragging him out of the car with his collar.

"Hamid please leave him. He is busy I should leave now please leave him." She said trying to remove Hamid's hand from Danish's collar.

"Haya get in and you are not leaving with this bastard." Hamid said tightening his grip on him.

"Oh so I became bastard now what your sister is? You didn't ask her, such a drama and physco bitch.." he was saying further but Hamid punched him.

Haya ran inside to call Hasan or Hadi.

"Hasan please come fast Hamid is beating him." Haya said breathing heavily.

"Relax relax catch your breath first." Hasan said and ran outside and haya followed him.

Hamid was punching him when Hasan got there. He dragged Hamid from him.

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