13 - Nothing broken but my heart

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After that, I need a double shot of espresso. Good gracious.

I pull myself together and head for the gym to blow off some steam. When I get there, I see it's empty. Nox is still with Dimitri in his office and Analovitz is probably with them to discuss strategies and whatnot.

Cranking up the music on the iPad, I do a couple of warm-ups and stretches. I immerse my head in the music and let my body speak as I bend and twist to express the feelings invoked in me.

I let go of all the emotions in my mind, sorting through them while I dance. The fear that gripped me when I witnessed the scene at my job, the adrenaline that wracked through me when Dimitri whisked me away in my Camaro. The things I have seen while being held captive by the mafia; and to top it off, the strange feelings that Dimitri evokes in me.

The latter really scares me the most. The dazzling physical attraction between us. It's there, like a sizzling fire cracker that flickers when we're in close proximity.

I shouldn't let my treacherous body dictate me.

Stopping after an hour, I stretch my limbs, welcoming the ache after a good work-out. Sweaty but satisfied, I head towards my room.

With the moment I had to myself, I realized that if I want to survive this mess; I need to keep my wits about me and not be seduced by a perfectly sculpted chest and the tempting words that spill from Dimitri's lips.

Finding him attractive doesn't change the fact that Dimitri Bendorova is a mafia heir, capable of cruel things and getting things done with a snap of his fingers. He has his mind set on building a case against his cousin and I would only be a welcome distraction, nothing more.

Sighing deeply, I gather clothes, toiletries, and head into the magnificent adjacent bathroom. Luxurious and over the top, probably the same size as half of the apartment I once shared with Antonia.

I step into the shower and let the warm water cascade over me. I massage the suds over my sore muscles and I let the emotions run free, wash off of me. It was a process of letting go of what had happened and not allowing them to consume me.

Being true to myself and taking everything with a spoonful of sugar wasn't always the best idea. Sometimes my mouth ran faster than my brain, but that is the way I am. Unapologetically Trixie.

I take the bottle of conditioner after rinsing my hair of shampoo and squeeze the tube. It explodes in my hands, squirting dollops of the cream everywhere.

"Shit." What a fucking mess.

Cleaning up everything as best as I can under the hot stream, I rinse off and prepare to get out of the shower. I grab the towel I have hanging from over the glass screen and step out with my bare feet. Suddenly they slip from under me, smearing the forgotten conditioner all over the place.

A scream falls from my lips and my ass collides with the ground, taking the towel draped haphazardly around me and my sack of toiletries.

Everything clatters to the ground at the same time. My cheeks make an unceremonious landing on the hard tiles, and my head smashes against the shower floor.

Holy shitcakes. That hurts.

"Trixie?" I hear Dimitri calling.

Fuck. I'm naked here and can't move right now as I rub my aching head. He probably heard me all the way from his office. I hear his determined footsteps approach after opening the door to my room.

"Don't look," I squeak like a rubber ducky, holding onto my towel like a lifeline.

Dimitri walks into the bathroom wearing a suit, and his face morphs from worry to a wide grin. He quickly covers his eyes with one hand and offers me his other.

"I think I'll manage," he states with a cocky grin. "I can take apart a pistol in twenty seconds with my eyes closed, with one hand."

I have my eyes wide open and take him in from top to bottom. He isn't in sweatpants like this morning, but he's wearing his usual outfit. Slacks, leather shoes and a perfectly fitted shirt that strains against his muscled forearms.

"Can I be that pistol?" I babble, too late to catch the words flying from my mouth.

He pulls me up with one hand as I clutch my towel over my boobs with the other. If he is peaking right now, he's getting quite a show.

Once I'm up and standing, his hand goes around my waist to check if I'm stable. He takes a step and trips over one item from my bag that clattered to the ground.

We crash against the vanity, his taut body pressed to mine, the towel only held up between the two of us. His eyes open and he's staring deeply into mine while we regain balance. Something flutters in my stomach and it's making its way south.

"You're the fucking bullet, Malyshka," he mutters, eyes hooded and focused on my lips.

I whimper unexpectedly as his lips connect with mine and mold perfectly together, soft against my own. His grip on me tightens, and the kiss deepens. A moan spills from my mouth, giving him access to my tongue. Rubbing them together in a salacious dance, I get lost in the kiss.

We move in-sync, wrapping my arms around him while he cups my face in his hands. My belly tightens and I feel him against me, like this morning. The desire we have for each other is definitely mutual.

We finally let go of each other's lips and it takes me a moment to catch my breath.

"What now?" Dimitri chuckles, lighting up his eyes as he stares into mine.

"Second base?" I whisper, still under the haze that Dimitri's kiss has left me in.

Something dark passes over his face as I utter the words and he peels his hands away from me, checks if I'm good, and leaves the bathroom. I'm left standing with an ache in my chest as I see him walk through the door without a word.

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