24 - I hate you then I love you

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When I finally climb out of bed, Dimitri, Nox and Kristof are all huddled together in the office. I hear their mumbling through the door. I've been passing around inconspicuously trying to gauge their reactions and not make the dumb mistake again of walking into a meeting.

It's not that I don't enjoy the punishments that it could earn me, but I prefer Dimitri in a calmer demeanor. If I'm naughty when we're in the bedroom, it will earn me some spanking. If I pull another one of my brilliant ideas here, well, it could lead to disaster.

I decide on keeping myself from their planning and strategizing and move to the living room to make a phone call to Antonia. She has done so much for me since arriving in this city and while she saw me a couple days back, I'm certain she is feeling worried about me and my 'sugar daddy'.

I plop my ass down on the plush sofa, fresh beverage in hand, and call my friend.

"What's up, shit nugget?"

"Twat waffle!" I screech into the phone, giggling at the stupid name I throw at Antonia to break the ice.

"Are they treating you well in that rich man's palace?" Antonia asks, laughing, but I know it's a concern for me seeping through the cracks of her hard shell.

"You could say that," I muse, thinking back to last night and this morning. I heave a pleased sigh and drop back onto the sofa, twisting a lock playfully around my finger.

"So," Antonia lowers her voice for sake of suspense, "he's fucking you good then?"

"Antoine!" Her real name leaves my lips like a squeak to scold her.

"Nah ah, don't give me that prude shit honey," she drawls, and I reach for my soda. "You've seen a lot in this last year that shouldn't make you flinch at the mention of a cock."

The crassness of the statement makes me swallow the liquid harshly, and I cough to recover my voice.

"I called to know if you need anything." I regain my composure and cut to the chase. "I know you must be struggling without me to pay my part."

"I'm not saying it's easy," she admits, and that's all it takes for me to know that she is still without a new job. Probably because Antonia is scared shitless about what happened and I got my ass kidnapped. "But you don't have to worry about lil' ole me."

"I'll be there soon," I deadpan, not leaving room for arguments, and I hit the red button on my phone. She hates it, but there will be no other way she'll let me do this otherwise.

I leap off the sofa and head to the office; I need a ride and backup to drop her some cash. Dimitri may be in a foul mood after I barge in again, but he said he would help.

Just when I round the corner, I stop in my tracks, almost breaking my heel and leaving skid marks on the floor. The three of them are in the kitchen with their backs to me, offering me a marvelous view of the triple assets.

"Aye," Nox shakes me from my daydreaming and I return the knowing smirk he gives me as I rip my eyes off of Dimitri's fine ass.

"I need that favor we talked about," I whisper sweetly, weaving my small hand over Dimitri's muscular bicep. "She needs money to pay for the apartment," I purr, noticing his tense demeanor. I think the time they spent in the office resulted negatively, spotting their gloomy faces over their cups of coffee. "Nox can take me, and I'll be back in an hour."

"Get her back safe," Dimitri instructs Nox before turning and planting a sweet peck to my nose, like I did this morning. "Give her one of the envelopes and return quickly." He instructs Nox, before turning back to me and waving a menacing finger. "Quickly. I can't go with you guys because I have to go see Babushka, and it's not safe to be wandering around right now."

I nod, flashing him one of my brightest smiles. It's endearing the little things he does and says. The way Dimitri wants to ensure my safety has butterflies crashing against the walls in my belly, drunk on love and not knowing which way to fly. I'm enjoying the way he opens up to me.

Realizing that I thought of the word love, a little shiver runs over my spine. That freaking scares me.

Not much later, I'm strapped in a matte black Range Rover, holding a thick envelope in my hands and cruising with Nox towards downtown. He's been rather silent and I wonder if Dimitri said something to him after last night.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Aye, dinnae worry," he winks. "It's been really fucked up with the surveillance. We'll soon be back to normal when we nail the bastard."

When we arrive at the small parking lot, I tell Nox to stay downstairs. There is no need to follow me upstairs and the door to Antonia's apartment can be spotted from here. I jump onto the pavement and make my way up the stairs; I look back at Nox and he gives me a wave of his hand, offering a sense of security.

I saunter my way to my old place and see the door is open, so I enter without thinking twice.

"Dumb bitch," I hear someone slam the door behind me. I glance swiftly to my left to see who I'm dealing with. my gaze travels over the man and I immediately notice he is missing a finger, so this must be Pavel.

I move a couple of steps further on wobbly feet and spot Antonia in the living room strapped to a chair and mouthing 'sorry'. I get little time to answer as I'm shoved against a wall by another male.

"So we got the little stripper," Sergei grabs my chin and pushes my mouth together so I can't spit in his blasted face.

"Go fuck yourself," I manage when I unlock my jaw from his clutches. My give a fuck is still broken but my go fuck yourself is fully functional.

"Has he arrived yet?" He wheezes into his earpiece by pressing it with his free hand, before taking a puff from his inhaler. "I thought he would take the bait!" Sergei seethes. "Well, that didn't go as fucking planned."

"Where is Dimitri?" he shouts at me.

"How would I know?" I retort, "I'm just a stripper like you said. Why would he go blabbing his plans to me?"

My words irritate him and Pavel pins me to the wall. "You come with us now!" he grins evilly at me.

"No!" I spit back.

"We won't hurt her if you follow our orders obediently," Pavel says as Sergei steps outside to make the phone call to Dimitri.

"Do you pinky promise?" I blurt as Pavel secures my wrists with zip ties and prods me down the fire-escape.

Pavel pushes me hard down the rickety stairwell, avoiding the front of the building where Nox is waiting for me.

Now what?

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