32 - All by myself

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I'm on edge. My fingers itch around the trigger, and my feet move forward anxiously to complete our objective.

I've barked orders and instructions to my men on how to proceed, and when we are finally able to overpower most of Sergei's men, the man of the hour is nowhere to be found.

We have secured every door and each route out of the building. My best guess is he is hiding somewhere like the little bitch he is, as he figured out we would outnumber him.

Taking a moment to check in with everyone, and make sure Trixie is alright, I get an update of my men and their positions - two of them are down. I grunt through my teeth at the news. Good men lost because of this motherfucker and his fucking bullshit.

Sergei probably thought that with kidnapping Trixie we would lay low for a while and regroup. He was not expecting a quick retaliation, and I had to seize the opportunity. It only took a couple of hours and a snap of my father's fingers to have us all chasing orders.

It has been a nerve-wracking battle outwitting each other and with every shit move Sergei pulls on me, my determination to end him grows. The notion makes my finger twitch around the trigger of the gun I have in a tight grasp.

A metallic sound from above our heads interrupts my thoughts. I'm with a group of men waiting behind the stairs to an elevated platform when our heads move in the same direction as the noise. My best guess is that we are standing below a small office space.

I've found my dearest cousin.

I need to rattle him. The open warehouse area has a couple of pallets with merchandise stacked around. Even though Sergei has procured all this space, it's smart of him to keep moving his stock around and to keep small amounts each time between sales and heisting lots, to ensure a swift move in case of being caught.

The last job was my container with the military grade weapons and the batch of cocaine, meaning they should be around here somewhere. Sergei is a lot of things but not dumb enough to snort up this kind of cash, however enticing the high may be. He is driven by his greed and envy, and that's how I will get him out of there.

Meaning that if I fuck it all up, the princess will come down from his tall metallic tower.

I saunter confidently over to the first pallet and lift the tarp thrown over the goods. Making a visual signal to my men that have made their way to me, and a quick verbal through the communication, I tell the others to standby.

I can't believe my fortune when I hit the jackpot on the first try, and I haven't even got my lucky charm next to me.

Lifting a plastic sealed packet of cocaine in my hand, I toss it in the air and shoot it to shreds with a blast of my gun. The cloud of white dust rains over the soiled floor in the warehouse at the same time a tiny choked wail comes from the platform, causing a grin to grace my lips like a lunatic.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," I thunder through the silence, lifting another packet and doing the same to it. Turning it into worthless fairy dust.

Cockiness possesses me, as I keep tossing an incredible amount of street value snow on the concrete flooring, screaming expletives to goad on Sergei. Foolishly, I don't check my surroundings well enough and a shot is fired.

A searing pain reaches my abdomen and I stumble back for a moment. Stars explode behind my eyelids and I bite back the pain. Reaching with my hand to grip my side, I feel the blood fill my mouth with the metallic taste from biting the flesh of my lip hard with my teeth.

It only takes me a moment to recover from the surprise and as I open my eyes, my men are clashing with the last of Sergei's. My shooter lays not far away from me, face crushed under the military combat boots of Kristof, who looks at me with concern but continues rapidly with his assault.

Chaos engulfs a moment later, and I have to dodge a couple of well-aimed fists to the stomach area and my jaw. Eventually, I find my footing and swing my blows with the same vigor as a wrecking ball.

I catch a glimpse of the motherfucker through my blurry vision. Sergei dismounts from the staircase, gun pointed straight at me. I raise my own gun in retaliation, and I don't waste a second in squeezing the trigger.

Sergei darts just in time, rolling to the side as he realizes I'm out of bullets. I pick up my feet, pummeling into his body, my fist instantaneously connecting with his face.

I pick up his gun that he's dropped on the floor. Aiming it at his head and ordering him to stand and face me like a man.

I want to see his soul leave his body as I end his life.

"Come on, Dimitri," Sergei rolls his eyes and takes a wheeze of his inhaler. "You've got me. Isn't that enough?" he opens his arms and points around the room. "All my men are down. You've blown the entire operation up."

"Forgive and forget?" I cock my brow and stare him dead in the eye from over the barrel of my gun. "Nah, fuck you and fuck that," I seethe.

"Boss!" Nox shouts from behind me and I can't turn around to assess the situation because I can't let go of Sergei. "We've got Tolderov."

I hear two female cheers and a grunt from the older man. Babushka just hit him with her automatic rifle in the nuts at the sound of it. My wicked smile only grows, even if the busted lip hurts like a bitch.

"You know what happens to traitors," I motion with my head for Sergei to move a few steps, keeping his own weapon aimed at his skull. "Family or not."

He's only a couple of steps from me, and I have the perfect aim to shoot. Taking a deep breath, I don't flinch and fire. Time slows down as I hold my breath and see the body of Sergei falling onto the pallet behind him, slumping against the boxes scattered over the ground.

As I stare at the hole in Sergei's skull, knowing I killed my own flesh and blood in the line of duty, I only worry about one thing. Her. How will Trixie see me now when I've taken someone's life right before her eyes?

"Fuck, Dimitri!" Trixie shakes me out of my daze as I hear her frantic steps in her hurry to reach me and I feel her arms snake around my body, checking me for injuries, until her hands palm the bulletproof vest and I hear her sigh in relief.

"I'm okay, Malyshka," I say, reaching out with my hand to wipe away the stray tear that dangles from her gorgeous lashes.

What rhymes with 'hell yeah, we won'?


Lots of it.

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