18 - Misled

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After the most awkward brunch of my life, and that's saying something, knowing my parents are stuck up freaks; we went back to the penthouse.

Dimitri had the Ferrari towed and Kristof picked us up from Babushka's estate in a blacked out Range Rover. Apparently, he had called for it the moment he stepped out of the room with Babushka and left me to fend for myself with the Bendorova's.

The silence that followed as soon as the door closed behind them was deafening. They all gaped at me and then ignored my efforts to pick up conversation until Dimitri sat down with us. While his aunt kept staring and blowing her cigarette smoke towards me, his cousin continued to eye fuck me. The latter I was used to, but it still made me uncomfortable.

His family talked little apart from some grunts in Russian and the small words I recognised as insults which were thrown back and forth. Throughout the entire hour, Dimitri's hand never left my leg, giving me the comfort I craved to get through the shit show.

On the way home, Dimitri discusses in detail to Kristof about what happened, thankfully leaving out the passionate moment between us in the driver's seat. He hands him a bullet that he had fished out earlier from the car. I try to break free from the conversation and concentrate on something else.

My efforts only get me so far because all I can think about is my near death experience. I could've died out there today. The memories flood through me until I'm a shaking mess. This is real. There is an actual threat to my life because I witnessed what Sergei and his men did in the Pussycat that night. If Dimitri hadn't grabbed me, it could be my corpse being burned with my Camaro in the desert. Come to think of it, I'm relieved that Dimitri found and kidnapped me when he did.

Dimitri reaches for my hand. He must have perfect intuition because I instantly relaxed under his touch. I don't know what it means to be his, yet. I just know that this is the most protected I've felt in a long time, and I am tired of fending for myself.

As soon as we step into the elevator, Dimitri steps behind me, wrapping his hand around my wrist and pulling on my ponytail to expose my neck. "Malyshka," he breathes that damn name in my ear like he owns it. And he does. He voiced his claim on me earlier and when I said yes, I meant it.

Of all the wrong decisions I've made in my brief life, I think I finally found my place; this is the first decision where I don't regret it. Dimitri may be rough and blunt, but we fit. The way he made my body sing, lewd and delicious. It felt too right, too perfect.

With my free hand, I rub my palm against his already hard dick. He groans into my ear, a beautiful sound of approval that makes my nipples pebble in anticipation.

The doors open and we follow Kristof, who was with us the entire time. Luckily, he had his back to us, so hopefully, he remains oblivious to the sexual advances between the both of us. Somehow, I find it difficult to believe because Dimitri is already pitching a tent and I'm half considering slamming him against a wall to get a taste of him.

Instead of following him to his office, I round the corner of the hallway to the kitchen. I need something cold to calm my nerves. I know it won't do much against the real thirst that needs quenching, but I can't exactly ask him to drop his pants just yet.

"Where is the motherfucker?" I hear Dimitri yell and the glass I have to my lips shatters to the ground.

"We have him. He's at the docks," Kristof answers with matching anger, following an enraged Dimitri as I hear the rapid footsteps approaching.

"Nox," he orders, "stay with her," he points towards me, his brows furrowed together. I meet Dimitri's gaze. He's holding a look that I have never seen before.

Rage swirls around him and power rolls off him in waves. I'm not scared of him, but I'm afraid of what he's capable of in this state. He cracks his knuckles and I know they are itching to rip the guy in half.

Realization dawns that they found the man that followed us with the truck and opened fire in broad daylight. Putting all of our lives in danger and risk exposure to the police.

"I'm going with you," I blurt.

"Dinnae be daft," Nox says in his soothing accent, putting his hand on my shoulder. I know it's not to offer me his comfort, but to prevent me from running after Dimitri.

"Nox," he gives a deadly stare at my bodyguard and this one nods in acknowledgment.

"Dimitri," his name is a plea on my lips. But he ignores me as Nox tugs on my shoulder to keep me in place. A tear slips down my cheek as I see Dimitri's anger rise. It causes his eyes to connect with mine and his demeanor changes. His eyes instantly soften and his lips purse together.

He saunters over to me and cups my face, his calloused fingers are soothing me and he does not know the effect he has on me. "I have to go, Malyshka. To take care of this."

"But," I start, but he cuts me off with his index finger to my lips.

"I promised you I would protect you, and that's what I'm doing." He says, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand. "Even from me."

His words weigh heavy between us. A silent understanding that he wants to shelter me from the person he will become when faced with the man that puts our lives in danger.

I nod in surrender, knowing that Dimitri won't budge and I am to stay with Nox in the penthouse.

A grin dances on Dimitri's face as he balls his hands into fists. "Let's go break some fingers, Kristof."

He says those words with too much happiness. His other guard matches the wickedness in his eyes and mutters gleefully. "One by one."

Just when I'm about to say something more, Nox drags me away from the kitchen and Dimitri, hauled upside down.

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