Chapter 7: Those Were Memories

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               ***Freen's POV***

I know this bracelet belongs to Becky, but why did my mom tell me I was alone that night? Why would she lie to me?

Questions keep swirling in my mind as I gaze off into the distance, sitting in the driver's seat of my van. I need to calm down before confronting my mom. If Becky was there, and if that moment wasn't just a dream, it means my mom also slapped Becky that night. I was aware of it happening, but I don't understand why.

Why did Becky stop messaging me after confessing she missed me? Why was she crying so intensely that night?

I can't wait here; if I truly want answers, I have to go search for them. Stepping out of the car, clutching Becky's bracelet, I take a deep breath to compose myself. As I enter the house, I see my mom in the kitchen, preparing lunch. I approach her calmly.

"Mom, please tell me what really happened that night," I inquire.

"What do you mean?" she responds, her face filled with confusion.

"I know I was with someone that night before I passed out. Why did you lie to me?" I clarify.

A smile begins to form on my mother's lips. "I told you that you were—"

I anticipate her repeating that I was alone, so I throw the bracelet onto the table before she can finish her sentence.

"That's Becky's bracelet, Mom. She was with me in the van before I passed out. I saw you slap her that night too. So tell me why you're lying to me?! And why did you slap her?!" I exclaim, my voice on the verge of shouting. A tear glistens at the corner of my eye.

My mom starts to walk away, but I grasp her hand, locking eyes with her as tears stream down my cheeks. I'm bewildered by why my mother is concealing things from me.

"Mom, answer me. My mind is a mess, searching for answers. I'm desperately seeking a valid reason for why you're keeping things from me. I'm sure you have a good reason, but I can't find it, so I need you to tell me. Is it because I like her? Is it because I prefer a woman over a man? Is that why?" I implore, my tears flowing freely.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," my mother approaches, embracing me.

"You're not supposed to be with her anymore," she reveals.

"What do you mean?" I inquire.

"Yes, she was with you that night, Freen," she finally released me from her embrace. "You're not supposed to be in love with her. She's a famous person. And if her parents find out, do you think they'll allow you to be together? I just don't want you to be hurt," she explained.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and hurried into my room. She wants me not to be hurt? But I'm hurting right now. I'm in so much pain that I can't contain it. I'm in so much pain because Becky won't talk to me anymore. If loving Becky is a sin, I'll still do it. Because she's the only person who gives me a sense of happiness.

Why is the world like this? Why aren't we allowed to love each other? Why are we supposed to disregard what we feel for each other when every single second of our existence reminds us of each other? Why does loving have to be this tough?

I went to my phone and quickly pulled up my dialer. I dialed Becky's number to check if she would answer. I've dialed her number countless times that I've lost count of it. But just like my previous attempts, her number was not reachable. And that's how I spent my Monday.

Tuesday came, and Wednesday too. All I did was cry in my room, look at Becky's picture, and dial her number. I am lost. I've never been this lost. She's my thought when I wake up and my thought before going to bed. She's probably living in my dreams too. She's in my thoughts in every single thing that I do, yet she's nowhere near. She doesn't care that I'm hurting. The days passed by very fast. These days, I didn't care about my businesses or the death threats I'm receiving. If they want to kill me, they may do so. I don't know how long I can stand this pain anyway.

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