Chapter 19: Reputation

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                    ***Freen's POV***

"Why didn't you tell me? How long have you been dating?" my mom asked. Her brows crumpled, her eyes fixed on me, waiting for my response.

The bags lying on the floor are proof that I just arrived home. It hasn't even been 5 minutes since I set foot in our house, but here I am being questioned about my choices in life.
Sitting beside my mom is my father. Yes, he came back home after hiding from all of his responsibilities. Now, he is quietly watching me as my mom interrogates me.

"Why should I tell you?" I answered, looking blankly at my mom, restraining the anger in my chest that is about to explode. To be honest, I want to tell her how I did not appreciate her lying to me about my past, but out of respect, I am trying to keep those words hidden.

"Because I am your mom! Because I care about your life and because I care about your reputation. Have you heard the things that people are saying about you? You just ruined your life because of that girl!" my mom said in a raised tone.

I took a deep breath and looked at the floor, out of shame, maybe. I did not dare to answer her because I might say things out of anger and regret it later. So, I stood up and grabbed my bags from the floor.

"Where are you going? Your mom is still talking to you!" my dad almost shouted.

And I couldn't help it anymore. I turned to look him in the eyes. "Why do you care, dad? After you passed your responsibilities to me, after all the hard work I put into paying your debts, and after all the dreams I stopped chasing so I could focus on paying your debts, I didn't hear a thank you from you. I didn't receive any letter  or email or text from you asking me if I'm okay. I never heard an apology from you. And now you suddenly care about me?" I said as calmly as I could, but my voice cracked as I felt the stiffness in my throat. My eyes are doing their best to hold back the tears that have been dying to climb down my cheeks.

"You just suddenly disappeared, and now that I am going through criticism, you're here, for what? So you can criticize me too?" I continued. "And mom, why haven't you been honest with me? Why do I have to find out everything by myself? I felt like there's a missing part of me for a long time, and now I found her, I feel complete. Why can't you be happy for me? Why do you have to judge me like everybody else? You're my parents, you're supposed to support me," I said as I wiped away the tears on my cheeks.

They suddenly went quiet, as if caught in the act of a crime they had just committed. Their silence screamed guilt, confirming the weight of the truths I had thrown at them. Without hesitation, I turned my back and walked away, heading straight to my room. This time, no one dared to stop me or impede my escape.

In that moment, I realized that there are certain situations where words are simply not enough. Sometimes, silence can speak volumes. My parents, flawed as they may be, had always tried their best to provide me with a good life, despite their own personal struggles. They carried their own wounds and traumas from their own childhoods, wounds that had yet to fully heal. And so, they did their utmost to be the best parents they could be for me.

For the longest time, I had been the obedient child, faithfully following their advice and adhering to their rules. I trusted that they knew what was best for me. But as I grew older, I began to discover aspects of myself that they didn't necessarily agree with. I vividly remember the time I mustered up the courage to tell my mom about my desire to pursue a career in the arts. Her response was filled with doubt and skepticism, questioning whether I was serious and warning me about a life of poverty. The conversation quickly spiraled into a heated argument, leaving us both hurt and unable to speak to each other for days on end.

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