Chapter 14: Clarity

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                   ***Freen's POV***

I rushed to the bathroom when Becky walked in. I didn't know why she was here, and it seemed like she didn't expect me. Was this Irene's plan? Did she bring me here for this reason? I thought Irene wanted me to get better. Why does it feel like I'm about to fall apart again?

I closed the door and turned on the shower. My thoughts were all over the place. I shouldn't be feeling like this anymore. She made it clear that night—she wanted everything to be over. But why do I have to see her again? I don't know what Irene is up to, but I'm sure I shouldn't try to fix things with Becky. I promised not to bother her, and I'll keep that promise.

Gently tapping my chest, I felt it pounding relentlessly. Is it because of happiness or fear of getting hurt again? I don't really know, but I'm sure it's because Becky is here. Hopefully, she's gone when I leave the bathroom. After cleaning myself up, I noticed that I forgot to bring a towel with me.

"Irene, could you pass me the towel?" I called out, turning off the shower to listen for her response. Silence greeted me; perhaps Becky had left.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I hastily opened it a little, extending my hands for Irene to pass the towel. Ready to close the door, it suddenly swung open. I instinctively covered myself with the towel, surprised to find Becky gently pushing me against the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

She continued moving her face slowly towards me, her eyes locked on my lips.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, moving her lips closer to mine, but I looked away.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked her looking at the wall. My heart beating faster than it was earlier. My heart, my broken heart that I am trying to protect, is about to be shattered again.

I felt Becky's hand on my hips and her lips on my neck. I don't know why, but I couldn't move.

"I'm sorry for everything that I have done to you," again, she whispered in my ear. She held my chin and moved my face closer to hers. She stared at my eyes as if it's the first time she saw them, gently putting a strand of my hair over to the back of my ear. Without any resistance, I let Becky kiss me.

"Freen? Becky? Open the door!" We heard Irene knocking hard outside, but Becky continued caressing my tongue. She attempted to take the towel off my body, but my grip was too tight, and her attempts failed.

"Hello?! Anybody there?" Irene shouted louder.

Becky finally let go of my lips, her eyes rolled. "Bad timing, Irene," she whispered under her breath before she turned around and walked out of the bathroom. I shut the door quickly as soon as she left.

"What took you so -" I heard Irene complaining outside, "Why is your lipstick messed up?" she almost shouted.

"Yeah, seems like I have to redo it," I heard Becky answer.

"What did you both do?" Irene asked Becky, but I haven't heard any response from Becky.

I quickly went to the mirror to check if I have any kiss marks, and surely I have lipstick marks on my neck. I quickly wiped my neck with the towel as well as my lips.

Give Me Your Forever (Freenbeck Fanfic) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें