Chapter 17: The Promise

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                    ***Becky's POV***

"Becky! Have you seen it?" We heard Irene's voice from behind as she ran closer to us. I looked at her and saw that she was worried about the news. I quickly stood up and walked closer to her, "Let's make a deal," I suggested, smiling, as I reached for her phone.  "We'll only check our phones on our way back to Thailand." With a reassuring smile, I powered down her device and handed it back to her.

"What's happening?" Freen inquired.

I leaned over to retrieve Freen's phone from her grasp, which she reluctantly surrendered. "Rules applies to you too, babe." I said shutting her phone down.

"Why? What's going on?" Freen asked, confusion evident in her tone.

"Just trust me," I replied, winking and returning her phone.

"But Becky," Irene interjected, still sounding anxious. I  walked towards her and gave her a reassuring smile before I wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you for taking us here, I feel more alive than ever. Words are not enough to describe how grateful I am. It will be okay, Irene. I will be okay, I promise." I whispered rubbing her back gently, I hope she stops worrying. I don't want her to blame herself for bringing us here because this is one of the best gifts I have ever received.

"Are you drunk enough?" I joked as I pulled away from her.

"I don't think so, but I'm about to go crazy," she replied before taking a deep breath. "But okay, I will stop worrying," she continued.

"Great! How about we rent motorbikes and stroll around the area for a while?" I suggested. Irene's face glowed with a smile as she heard my idea.

I'm in!" Freen said, raising her hand before standing up.

We walked towards the rental shop and rented two scooters. Freen didn't want me to drive and asked me to just go with her. So that's what we did.

"You know how to drive this thing, right?" I asked Freen, feeling a little concerned because I didn't remember her driving a scooter before.

"Yes, I'm an expert at driving this thing," she answered as she secured the helmet on my head.

"She's definitely an expert, but the last time I remember her driving a scooter was like 5-6 years ago," Irene commented.

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed, looking at Freen with furrowed brows. Knowing that made me worry even more.

"That doesn't make me less of an expert," Freen defended. "There's this thing called muscle memory, you know," she continued. I let out a soft laugh as she tried to justify her expertise to Irene and me.

Freen put her helmet on after securing mine. She hopped on the scooter and kick-started it right away.

"Hop on," Freen commanded, to which I quickly complied even though I'm anxious. She grabbed my arms and wrapped them around her waist.

"You should hold on tight, I haven't driven a scooter for years," she joked, letting out a laugh.

"That's very reassuring," I sarcastically said.

Let's go?" Irene finally took off, and we started strolling on the island.

The anxiety in my heart went away, and for some unknown reason, I felt freedom as the wind touched my skin. The night lights looked so beautiful to my eyes, as if they were shooting stars, and I get to wish upon them as we passed by.

We drove for about 15 minutes to reach a night market where there were a lot of things for sale and a lot of food to taste.

"This place is so alive at night," Irene commented. I glanced at her and saw her eyes sparkling. I'm just glad that she doesn't look worried anymore.

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