🍂128 - Really A Good Person (3)

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“The blood crazy mage? Who is that?”

Queen Litana was the first to respond to Cale’s statement. The Saint added on a comment after her as well.

“What a vicious name. A mage who is crazy about blood? By the way, Hannah, do you want another potion? You look very pale.”

The sword master Hannah had turned completely pale. She was keeping her mouth shut, but the corners of her mouth were shaking.

Cale casually handed a new handkerchief to the Saint.

“Looks like you’ll need to wipe off some of Miss Hannah’s sweat. Look at all of that sweat on her forehead.”

Cale spoke warmly before making eye contact with Litana. Hannah put her hands behind her back in order to hide the fact that they were shaking and feigned ignorance.

“There was a guy who was known as the blood crazy mage. I’ve only heard stories about him but anyways, he is dead now.”

“There was such a person?”

“Yes. I heard that he died an extremely cruel death.”

Cale’s body started to shake as if he did not even want to think about it before he continued to speak.

“He died at the hands of one of his comrades.”

“…Mm, how terrible.”

Cale nodded his head at Litana’s subordinate’s response. Hannah’s face turned even paler, making the contrast between her pale face and the black spots from the dead mana seem extremely visible.

Cale continued to speak.

“Just hearing a story like that makes my heart jump. I do not like to watch people die.”

“Of course. I know about your personality, young master Cale. I’m sure it is difficult for you to watch people die.”

Litana agreed with Cale before asking what was on her mind.

“But what do you mean by you will help her get revenge?”

Litana thought that helping someone with their revenge was not fitting Cale’s character. Although she understood the resentment in the hearts of the twins, Cale’s personality did not mesh well with such cruelty.

Litana could see Cale starting to smile.

“Miss Lina, do you know what the greatest revenge is?”

“…The greatest revenge?”

Cale turned away from Litana, even though Litana’s expression was still full of confusion. He then looked toward the pale Hannah.

“Miss Hannah.”

Cale started to speak in a respectful, but stern voice.

“I don’t know if I should be butting in like this, but I will just say one thing.”

‘What is he going to say now?’

Chaos and uncertainty filled Hannah’s mind as Cale continued to speak.

“Miss Hannah, real revenge is living a long and happy life. You need to have a happy life with your older brother.”

‘Will she buy this bullshit?’

Cale’s true feelings were that real revenge was returning the pain you received to the responsible party. That was the only way to live happily. However, what he was saying was completely opposite of his true feelings.

Litana was in awe.

“Ah, that is what you meant. Young master Cale, you really have a big heart unlike me.”

Trash Of The Count's Family BL | Part 2Where stories live. Discover now