Chapter 5: Stars

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Stephanies POV:
" I just wanna know Rylan, did you take a note?" I asked as calmly as I could.

" No." He was sure of it.

" Fine whatever." There was a short pause. " Let's get back to the palace." Kila and him nodded.

The ride back was quiet and uncomfortable. So, I tried to make small talk, worked.

" I'm sorry, Rylan." I apologized

" It's fine, Steph, I just don't like being accused." No one would like being accused.

" Do you wanna try something new today?" I asked.

" Like what?" He asked.

" Looking at stars."

Rylans' POV:

" Sure." I responded. I loved stars.

She looked excited. I'm glad. I hate getting into arguments.

Once we arrived at the castle, it was wonderful. All cleaned up, and pretty.

Just like Steph was.

" Oh! My cousin is here!" She shouted. " Hey Andrelia!" Andrelia waved.

" Stephanie! How have you been?" She asked. " Oh, just divine!" Steph responded.

" So you're like 16 now?" Steph asked. " Yep and you're 18?" Andrelia asked.

Stephanies' POV:

" Almost." I responded. " Rylan, this is Andrelia Brusberry! Andrelia, this is Rylan Carvot!" They both waved at each other.

Everyone walked into the palace, happy. We don't have a garden, but we have lovely crops for the people.

Once we walked in, Andrelia was tired. So I showed her where a guest bedroom was. Right, Straight, Straight, Left, Left, Right, first door.

She walked herself to bed, and Kila went home.

Just me and Rylan.

" Wanna go look at stars?" I asked.

" Of course." He responded.

We walker to my room and opened the window, after walking in. Rylan got out first and offered his hand. I took it and got out. We were on the palace roof.

There was one place to lay, and it was close to my moms room.

Rylan held my hand the entire time, ensuring I wouldn't fall. It was cute.

We got there, looked through the window, she was asleep. We were extra quiet, because she was a light sleeper.

We found the spot and laid down.

" Oh wow. The moon is really out today." Rylan whispered.

" Yeah, it's comforting." I do find it reassuring.

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