Chapter 6: I Think I Can

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<Recommend Song At Top>
<Chapter 5 Was Good, This Is Better>

" Rylan..." I whispered, it was still raining, but I didn't mind.

" Yeah, Steph?" He looked over his shoulder, still holding the sword.

" How did you do that?" I asked walking towards him. " It's simple," he started, " you just need motivation."

What motivation did he have?

" What was yours." I was right next to him.
" You." Me? I was his motivation?

" Why me?" I asked.

" Because, I think..." I couldn't bear him anymore. He started mumbling.

" What did you say?" I asked.

" Nothing important." He replied.

I simply nodded.

We walked through the rain, both of our clothes see-through.

Once we got back, my mother was the first to come to me.

" Just what were you thinking!" She yelled at me, questioning at the same time. " I was thinking about our Kingdom." That was a lie. I was thinking about Rylan. Him. And how I need him in my life. I hope he was thinking the same thing.

" So, you fought 3 of the best assassins just for the Kingdom?" She interrogated me. " They were assassins!" I yelled. " It wasn't obvious?" Rylan asked. I just looked at him.

" Well you did good Stephanie. Where did you learn those moves from?" She asked. " Um, I watched Rylan train!" I need to be a better liar.

" Does she now?" Rylan teased. " Yes, she does watch me train." Thank god, Rylan is an amazing...

He's not lying.

" You're safe right?" She asked, both of us. We both nodded.

She walked away and we went to my room, to sleep this time. " What about Kila?" Rylan asked. " What about her?" I asked. " She's my little sister, Steph." He responded.

" Come on. Let's have some alone time!" I stopped and turned around on the stairs, grabbing both of his hands. " Just the two of us."

I walked ahead of him up the stairs and suddenly, walking up them didn't take so long.

" Hey Rylan," He looked at me, having the yeah? Look in his eyes. " Do you wanna maybe, I don't know-" I was cut off by 6 words, that would impact me for life. " I think I can love you." Rylan thinks he can?

Just then, I felt my body pulling me closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, tilting my head to the left, I kissed him.

There we were at the top of the steps, falling in love with each other.
I love him more than myself.

And that's not a lie.

Why is he so perfect for me.

Once we stopped, I could feel his emotions. His warmth is something I wish to have for as long as I breathe.

" Steph..." I love the sound of his voice. It's like oxygen. Every time I hear it I can feel my heart yearn for more.

"Steph..." I heard it again.
" Stephanie!"

I woke up.

" Oh, hey Rylan." I spoke. " Are you okay? Your head is burning up." He put a hand on my forehead. " Y-Yeah!" I screamed.

" That's a no." He went to walk away, but I grabbed his hand. He stopped and looked at me.

" Thank you." He looked confused. " For what?"

" For saving me?" I thought he knew.

" You know, against the assassins?" His eyes were wide.

" You were attacked?!" He grabbed my other hand.

" Do you not remember?" I asked.

" No. Am I supposed to?" He asked.

" Oh... never mind." He started chuckling.

" Of course I remember!" He burst out into laughter. " You're so easy to fool."

Not funny.

" Remember, Steph, I think I can love you."


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