Chapter 12: Is He Really...

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<Recommend Song At Top>
<I'm Melanie Martinez fan>
<Get Tissues Ready>
<Enjoy Diamonds>

Stephanie POV:

I woke up in a hospital bed. My wounds were patched up. I heard the door open. I looked up to see Sugith and Kila walking in.

" Stephanie! You're alright!" Kila yelled, hugging me. I hugged back. It was a loose hug, she didn't want to hurt me. Kila had a wide smile on her face, she was really happy.

" I'm so glad you're okay!" She ended the hug, still smiling. Sugith looked at me, upset.

" I can't heal you or Rylan." She started, " Whatever knife that woman had, doesn't let magic affect them." She had tears in her eyes.

" Sugith, it's okay." I motioned for her to come here, and hugged her. She was really upset, but hugged me back.

Her sadness affected Kila, so Kila was looking up, trying to not cry. " No right to cry." She spoke, me and Sugith looked at her. " I barely knew Rylan, I have no right to be crying."

After a few days, I had to get help walking, which I did. Rylan was still in the hospital. Soon enough, I was able to walk on my own, but not without a guard behind me.

I usually went to where Rylan was, but today felt different, I wasn't allowed in. No one besides the Nurse's and Doctor's.

I was brought back to my room, which was the one of the times I got privacy.

After a few minutes the, Nurse's and Doctor's all walked in. They all had a saddened look on their face. No, No, don't tell me-

" Miss Levensten, Rylan didn't survive his injuries."

They tried to keep talking. Blabbering about how they were sorry. Stupid shit like that. I was done with it.

I couldn't cry, I was so upset. After everything we've been through, he's gone.

They continued to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk. It was annoying.

I randomly had an outburst, " Shut up, Shut up. SHUT UP! Get out!" My voice cracked. I was hurt.

The Nurse's and Doctor's left the room, leaving me alone. They got the hint. I could hear muffled talking, Kila's voice.

God, just go away. Why is she always near me. She's annoying.

Wait. What am I thinking? Her brother just died. God, I'm a terrible friend.

How am I gonna manage without Rylan? If I can't handle a loss, how am I gonna handle a Kingdom?

All these questions filled my head, all of them including Rylan. My Rylan. The one person I loved. The one person I truly loved... was gone.

Footsteps were walking away from my door, thank god. Everyone was gone, well, except the guard, I think. I heard gentle knocking on the door. My mother.

" Hey." She walked in, she could tell I was upset. " I'm sorry about this." She started, " I hate you have to go through this again."

I knew what she meant by 'again'. It was annoying, why can't people leave me alone?

I stayed quiet, not wanting to talk. I honestly felt sick to my stomach. Not throw up sick, angry sick, if that makes sense.

She noticed I didn't wanna talk and walked out, but before she did she says, " You can't block everyone out forever." Then left the room.

Of course I can.

I've done it before and it- Wait. She's right. You can't block everyone out all your life.

Why didn't I notice. How did I not notice? For even Death cannot take a soul away from the Earth. 

He's always here, even in the afterlife.

It's funny, I never noticed that until just now. The words hurt now, thinking about it.

Kila walked in, eyes red and puffy. " Hey, Stephanie." She walked up to me. " Are you feeling a bit better?" She wasn't talking about Rylan, she was talking about my wounds.

I nodded. " Yeah, their feeling better." She forced a smile. " I'm glad." She wasn't feeling well, and I could tell. I mean, for gods sake, her brother just died.

" Something good is gonna happen." She started, " Something great." I tilted my head to the left, not getting what she was talking about.

" Well, something bad happened, so something great is bound to happen." She locked eyes with me, " Haven't you noticed?" She kept eye contact, which I broke.

I started to get a better understanding of what she meant.

She really does know how to cheer people up. This is probably the first smart thing she's ever said.

She changed her expression to worried. " You alright, Stephanie?" She asked. She knew the answer though. So, I stayed quiet.

She had to leave, to get ready to go to a new home with her real Aunt. She hugged me goodbye. She was upset to leave.

" Bye Stephanie." She said, starting to cry. Just then Sugith walked in. Sugith wasn't crying, but she had no emotion on her face and hugged me goodbye. I hugged back.

I was gonna hate seeing them leave. What's sad is I could hear Rylan saying, " Bye Steph!" With so much excitement but with sadness too.

I waved bye to them. They waved back.

I was alone now. No one to hug. No one to cry on. No one to love. No one to care about me.

As soon as they left, that's when the tears fell. Loud sobs. Sobs that were obvious. Sobs that echoed. Sobs that hurt. Tears that didn't stop. Tears that were heard coming down my face. Tears that went down my neck. Tears that were cold. A body that was cold. A body that was weak. A body that yearned for love. A body that was hurt. A heart that was broken. A heart with a hole. A heart that screamed. A heart that needed someone. A brain with thoughts. A brain that was harmed. A brain that hurt. Eyes that were brown. Eyes that were closed. Eyes with tears. Eyes that were hurt. Eyes that had seen too much. Eyes that were empty. Voice that called. Voice that was there. Voice that wasn't heard. Voice that cried. A person who wanted their lover back. A person who yearned to be understood. A person without love. A person without friends. A person who wanted a hug.

I cried too, don't worry.
I added my quote. " For Even Death Cannot Take A Soul Away From The Earth" That's mine.
R.I.P Rylan.
Love you.


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