Chapter 10: Hurry!

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<Recommend Song At Top>
<Angst chapter>
<Still Sugith POV>

I went with my gut. I trust it. But there is one thing, I need to tell him. I shouldn't. I'll do hints.

"What was our mother's name?" I asked. " Sugith, you know we aren't told that." Rylan looked worried. "Steph is on her way back, we're staying with our Aunt. In a far away place." What?

"We can't leave!" He looked shocked. " Something bad is gonna happen, I can feel it." He looked confused.

" I don't want to either. We have to. Were hated here." He spoke. " Hated? Why?" I asked. " Our father." Of course. Him.

" She has our stuff, she's waiting outside for us." Rylan sounded unsure. " I don't trust her." He spoke. " I just don't." We both agree.

" Come on, Su." Su? "Su?" I asked. " Your new nickname!" He exclaimed. I like it. It's cute.

I got up and started walking out. I'll miss this place. No, I'll miss them.

The black figures waved goodbye, as the man named, Milo, blew his cigarette to me, as his way to wave goodbye. His wife, shaking her head at me, in disapproval. She was mouthing something. I couldn't figure our what it was.

I'll miss them. I nodded as I goodbye.

Stephanie POV:

" Rylan! Hey!" I yelled, waving to him. " Hey, Steph." He said, dully. Hardly waving back." Are you okay?" I asked. " Yeah, I just, don't wanna leave. I grew up here." Rylan sighed. I knew he would hate leaving. " I know it sucks, but you can visit me as much as you want. Alright?" He just nodded. " I'm sorry, about all this. I really hate this." I rubbed his shoulder. I truly was sorry.

" Bye, Steph," He murmured something under his breath that I couldn't make out. I assumed he was talking to Sugith. I just but it aside. " So, Stephanie, how are you?" My mother spoke to me. " I'm good!" I told her. She didn't believe me. " I'm here, if you need to talk." I just nodded. She was sweet. But her time as Queen was running low. " I'm sorry you have to be Queen." She said to me, with sympathy.

I just stayed silent. I didn't know what to say. Kids wanna rule, until they learn the responsibility. It sucks.

My mom brought me into a warm hug. She truly cared about me. Man, I wish Rylan could stay. How is he gonna do.

" Oh my god! You're the princess!" A girl with Vitiligo, and a bit of lazy eye. " Yeah. That's me." I said, breaking my mom's hug. " I've actually been wanting to talk to you! I have some info... about the villains." She seemed confident. " Tell me."

" Somewhere private." She spoke. We walked to the castle and headed for the chambers. Locked the door to the chambers. No prisoners were here to hear, we didn't have criminals. If we did they weren't major. They would be sent to the light chambers. Not as hard to get out of, but still difficult.

" So, they are known for stealing names and turning exactly like them. They have magical abilities." She started. " Once they use them, it's next to impossible to escape. They are really powerful. Each one has a different ability." She stopped for questions. " How do you know this?" I asked. " I'm a spy." She said. " Now, they know how to use their abilities. Not a single one is shown that doesn't know how to fight, they go through 10 months of training. Females go through 2 years." She kept going. She really knew what she was talking about. " Once they are deployed, you have to have experience. You know how that guy killed those people?" She started asking about Rylan. " Yeah? His name is Rylan." She just nodded. " Well he is experienced in battle, no one has ever killed them as easily as he did." She started. " I'm not sure how, but it's possible that he is insanely strong, stronger than we see." I nodded. " Now, hold your breath." She said. I was confused. " He's been kidnapped." " What?!" I exclaimed.

" That girl isn't his Aunt, I am. She took my form and convinced them it was me. You still have time to catch up. Hurry!" She yelled.

I was still trying to wrap my head around what I had been told, I bolted out the door after unlocking it. I followed the carriage tracks. They starter going off road and into the grassy hills.

The tracks were hard to follow, but I managed. Running past trees, as fog started to come into view. It was hard to see anything. I kept pushing through.

I'd hit a tree every once in a while. It would be my arm or something. I felt blood streaming down my arm. I kept pushing either way. I wasn't slowing down. Rylan was there for me, it's my turn to protect him.

I could hear faint horse steps. I knew the carriage was close. I kept running. My right leg bleeding and right arm. I kept running, a little blood won't stop me. I'll die for my people. I'll kill for my people. Their one of my people. Their not being left behind!

Im not leaving Rylan!

Next time on Be Little:
I'm not leaving anyone behind! He's staying with me! *grunts* Stephanie! I knew it... I knew it... Stay back! AHHHHH!

A/N: Hope you enjoyed. Hope you enjoyed my diamonds!!! 914 words.<>


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