Chapter 13: Paint

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<Recommend Song At Top>
<Enjoy, Diamonds>
<Love you>

The tears kept falling and falling, my sobs echoed in my room.

I've never cried harder in my entire life, I was upset with myself, letting Rylan go, letting Rylan go with his 'Aunt'.

Why was I so stupid? Why couldn't I sense something was wrong?

Three knocks were heard. I opened the door, wiping my eyes, quickly. It was the guards, holding supplies for painting.

" What's that for?" I asked. The guards spoke up, " It's for you. It's from Sugith Carvot. A note came with it."

They put the stuff in my room, carefully. I grabbed the note. It read, " It's Sugith, I'm sorry were not there right now. Painting has always helped me. I think it may help you too."

I put the note next to my bed. I was holding back tears, the guards left my room. I looked at the stuff. A canvas, oil, charcoal, brushes, erasers, paper.

There were hundreds of canvases. She really knew what she was doing.

I pulled my chair up to the canvas. I should give it a try.

I poured water in a cup, hoping it would do something. It did.

I started tracing what I was gonna draw, it was gonna be a simple flower. A rose.

After a few hours, I got it almost perfect. That's when I started the painting. I had the supplies laid out. The colored rocks turned into mush. The cup filled with water.

I carefully started with the red, there was a lighter red that I used. Getting the petals colored was hard, really relaxing though.

Getting the paint off the brush took a while, it refused to come off all the way, so I was getting impatient. At some point. I almost fell asleep.

It was almost sunrise, I'd been up all night getting the painting done. It wasn't that great, but took a long time. I finished the petal part, now I have to do the stem, leaves, and pot.

This is gonna take a few days. I decided to let the paint dry and sleep. As soon as I put my head on the pillow I was out.

I woke up to the guards, knocking on my door. I looked outside and I noticed that it was already the middle of the day.

I slept that long?

I opened the door to my room, stepping out. A guard followed me outside my castle. I noticed there were roses, everywhere. Strange. My kingdom isn't fond of roses.

My mother walked up to me, " Come, I have an outfit for you!" She grabbed my arm leading me back inside and to the dressing room.

Once we got there, it was all black dresses.

I was confused at first, then I realized. It was for Rylan.

" Here is your gown!" She showed it to me. A black dress, with roses embroidered on it. " Put it on." She said, walking out of the dressing room.

I put it on, and put my hair in a braided bun, and put my crown back on.

I walked out, my mother was excited to see my dressed up. It's sad she doesn't know about me and Rylan.

I wasn't planning to tell her anytime soon. I hope if I do tell her she won't get mad.

My mother brought me to where the funeral was being held, she wasn't caring about my emotions. I didn't want to go, but I had to.

Kila has to go up and give a speech. I took detail into her outfit, she was wearing a black dress, with roses on the bottom, her hair was down, but she had a pin in her hair. She came back just for this.

" Rylan Carvot, not only was he a friend, he was a brother. A leader to all. He was strong and independent. He deserves to be praised. Deserves to be loved on. He deserve all the good and wonderful things that happened to him." She wiped her eyes. " He was courageous, strong enough to keep fighting when he was battered and bruised. Pushing himself farther than he could go. He knew his time was up when he said the words, ' Tell Steph, I love her.' Even when he was hurt and dying he still wanted his lover to know." Her voice was cracky. " Still wanted her to know how much she meant to him. Stephanie Levensten, was the reason Rylan kept fighting. He wanted to see her one last time."

Kila walked away and got into her carriage then had to go back to her Aunt.

Rylan said that? He truly did love me. I love you too, Rylan.

More than I love this kingdom.

I miss you more than the sun misses the stars in the morning sky.

Hope you enjoyed!

808 WORDS!! See you in the Wattys next year. <>

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