Chapter 9: Hear Me Now.

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<Enjoy ;)>
<Play Any Song You Think Would Fit>
<Still Sugith POV>


I could hear the shock in the elder.

" How do you know?" I questioned looking around. No response. " How do you have the gift of the Esmalethia?" Another voice asked, young girl.

" Who's that?" I asked. I started to be able to make out faces. " Esmalethia is a goddess! Who once protected this Kingdom! Why did she give it to you?" The woman yelled.

I sat in silence. " That's right!" A little boy voice screamed. " She can see us because she's meant to have us!"

I could hear many gasps from voices I didn't hear before. " She can hear and see us! She's looking way!" He started chuckling. " That's you!" The figure I was staring at went from tall to 4'6. " Hehe! I'm the trickster ghost!" He put his hand out, " You are?" I grabbed his hand, " Sugith. Sugith Carvot." The little boy yanked his hand away from mine. " A Carvot!" He yelled. " Such a shame." I looked over to see a male who looked Rylans' age throwing a knife up and down, catching it. " A little girl had to be a Carvot." He stopped catching his knife.

" You may not know," he started, " the Carvots' killed us. All of us."

We did what? " Huh?" I looked at him, he just went back to his knife. He sighed, " You don't get it, do you?" I nodded. " Well a strong Carvot and a fast Carvot killed us. They aren't good at hiding." He put the knife down and pulled out a cigar.

" What? Can a ghost not smoke?" A woman from behind touched his shoulder. She was taller than him, black hair, black eyes, pale face. " This is my wife, Emerald." He introduced her. I waved. " I haven't said my name yet!" He put the cigar away from his mouth.

" Milo." Milo what?

I guess he could read my mind. " That will shock you. Let's keep that a secret." He went back to smoking.

Soon all the figures disappeared and I saw what seemed to be a fancy room.

" Sugith!" Rylan yelled, hugging me. " I was worried!" He let go of me. He told me I was in the palace hospital. Ajax and the rest were in the nursery sleeping. I was also told to take it easy I was out for like 5 days.

Our father was dead so we had to live in the castle. We all got separate rooms, but Rylan had to sleep with Stephanie. Weird.

Kila was outside shopping for food.

I wanted to tell him about my dream, but I held back my words. I'm being told not to by my gut. I trust my gut. I shouldn't but I do.


- Kiri_Days

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