Chapter 14: Royalty.

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<Hello! Welcome to the Finale to Be Little>
<Thank you for reading. I love you all>
<Enjoy Diamonds>

After the funeral, my energy was down. No one has ever made me feel this bad. Loosing someone you love hurts. More than I thought. My dad wasn't bad, but Rylan... oh Rylan, I love him. I know I do.

It's been a few weeks, I still feel horrible. I keep remembering that I watched him die and did nothing. Nothing.

Three knocks. " Come in, Mother." My mother walked in.

" As you know, your coronation is coming up. It's next week." She started. " I wish you the best time ruling this Kingdom. Where are the Carvots?" She asked. I just stared at her. I don't want to see them, not right now.

I ended throwing my paint supplies out. It wasn't my thing. I actually gave them to people who needed it.

I never finished the rose drawing, which is good. It looks horrible.

One day, I woke up to a note. " It's Kila, I need to say something. I won't be able to visit."

What? Why can't she? What happened? Is she sick? Is she hurt? Is Sugith hurt? Is Sugith upset? Are they both upest? Questions raced through my mind, thinking of the worse possible things. Nothing was a good thought. I hated it.

I felt like weights we're on my shoulders, constantly. It was hard to move, hard to think, hard to get up without being dizzy. I can't stand this feeling. I despise this! I can't rule when I can't have comfort from my friends. I hate this. I hate this so much.

Why did this happen? Why was I chosen to play the role of Stephanie? Why couldn't I be Andrea. She has her life together. It feels wrong to be called Stephanie.

I'm tired of this name.

I put the note in the trash. I don't want to see it. I looked at myself in the mirror. God. I'm a mess. I look hideous.

Time went by fast and slow. It was my birthday, also my coronation day. I'm scared. I have to give a big speech in front of the entire kingdom, as to why I'm worthy of the throne. I do not wish for this. It is my destiny though.

Destiny. That's all my mom and the Carvot's blabber about. Guess they really took a tole on me. Why do I get so attached? Why did I get so attached to Rylan? Was it... no. It couldn't have been.

I refuse to believe that.

I heard the church bell ring. Ding. Ding. Ding. It's the start of my coronation. I will be crowned Queen, without Rylan. Without my lover.

Get that out of your head. You gotta walk down the aisle in the gold dress, with the diamond cut-out on my belly button this time. Which is weird, but better than the chest cut-out.

I was escorted by my guards. The carpet was red, and long. The seats were made of wood and wool, the seats were brown and looked uncomfortable. How are they sitting down?

Walking down the aisle is the worst thing when I can't see Rylan's face anymore. I looked around and noticed. Is that... his killer?

No. It's a normal civilian. I'm just going insane.

As soon as I walked on the stairs, all sign of happiness and preparation just disappeared. I forgot my entire speech. Oh no... I'm screwed. My mom is gonna be mad. The civilians are gonna be upset. The guards... they could kill me if the civilians despised me.

I'm fucked.

But, I got up there to the pedestal anyway. Terrified. I looked at everyone.

"Inhales. Hello my civilians, I am Stephanie Levensten, daughter of Miday Levensten and Nicholas Levensten." That was horrible, why remind them of my father? " I hope to... be the best Queen this kingdom has seen. I will help, I will feed. I will not execute unless it's for the good. I do not believe in false accusations. If you accuse someone of a topic such as rape, you will be punished. I will not harm you in anyway." I'm messing up. I'm ruining this.

" I, Stephanie Levensten, will be the best Queen this Kingdom is to see!" As soon as I finished, applause. People stood up, some even crying. Everyone cheered and was smiling. I didn't mess up? I did it right? I felt my eyes water, I held my tears back. Not in-front of my people.

I curtsied, then walked to where the crown was. My mothers crown. She picked it up and put it on me. It was golden with rubies and emeralds around the head, diamonds, in their normal shape, on the top.

I am no longer " Your gracious". It's now, " Your Majesty."

I turned around with the crown on. The first thing I hear is " All hail the new queen!" From everyone in the crowd. They were happy I was their Queen. Some whistled, most applauded.

I saw in the back of a crowd, a man who looked like Rylan, clapping his hands softly, then fading to dust. I watched the dust go away, kissing my hand then blowing to it, but also making it look like a blew it to the crowd.

" 'Rylan Carvot rests in my soul' said Stephanie, she looked up at the sky, smiling. ' His heart is with me. He won't fade as he is an imprint in my mind.' She finished." The high-school teacher looked at the class, who was crying. " Was that a good story? Be Little 2 will release soon." One girl had her head on a boys' shoulder, both crying.

Made by:


Inspired by:
Twilight Saga
Medieval Age
The Keys To The Kingdom

Words in total:


With Love, Kiri

Hours taken:


Days spent: 3


Stephanie Levensten
Rylan Carvot
Kilavanna Carvot
Sugith Carvot
Phoebe Woodlane
Andrea Ninomoe
Chrysalis Everlove

United Kingdom

British and Scottish

In appreciation to:


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