Chapter 10

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"Do you want to go for a walk, Peter?" I ask, smiling at him.

Pete Parker:
"Yes, of course. Wait a minute, I'll get my jacket.", says Peter and starts running.

Tony Stark:
"Have fun kids. Take care of each other and all," mumbles Tony.

Bruce Banner:
Bruce is in the lab and doesn't notice anything.

Bucky Barnes:
"Call if anything happens," says Bucky.

Steve Rogers:
"You'll be back here in an hour at the latest." Steve demands and reads through a file.

Pietro Maximoff:
Pietro is in the training room training. He doesn't notice anything about it.

Wanda Maximoff:
Wanda is in her room.

Natasha Romanoff:
Natasha trains with Pietro.

Clinton Barton:
You have no idea where Clint is. But you assume he's visiting his family.

Sam Wilson:
"And you're leaving me here?!" Sam complains.

Thor Odinson:
"I'll take you to Asgard. There you can go for a walk in really nice places.", Thor tells.

Loki Laufeyson:
"Can I come with you?" asks Loki and closes his book.

Nick Fury:
Nick is in the helicarrier working.

Pepper Potts:
Pepper is in Los Angeles at a press conference.

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