Chapter 19

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I'm sitting alone in a cafe. I've spent the whole class trip alone so far. Sadly I call home and tell them about it.

Pete Parker:
"Would you like me to come to you? I'm sorry I forgot you when I said I wasn't going with you." Peter says immediately.

Tony Stark:
"Come on. I paid for this class trip. Have a good time and buy yourself some nice things. I'll put money into your account," Tony suggests.

Bruce Banner:
"Hmmm don't you have any friends to hang out with?" Bruce asks encouragingly.

Bucky Barnes:
"But you wouldn't have to mind being alone. We were trained to do that when we were in Hydra," Bucky says.

Steve Rogers:
"Do you think we used to have a class trip at all? Be happy to see something of the world," says Steve sternly.

Pietro Maximoff:
"Wait a minute, I'll come to you.", breathes Pietro and then he starts running.

Wanda Maximoff:
"We can talk on the phone." Wanda offers.

Natasha Romanoff:
"Not long then we'll see each other again.", Natasha cheers me up.

Clinton Barton:
"When you come back we'll eat a lot of cookies together." Clint laughs.

Sam Wilson:
Sam is with his family.

Thor Odinson:
Thor is in his apartment with Jane.

Loki Laufeyson:
"You'll be back soon and then I'll have a surprise for you. Leia is looking forward to seeing you." Loki says and grins.

Nick Fury:
"I can have you picked up if you want," Nick suggests.

Pepper Potts:
"Oh, that'll be fine." Pepper says with a smile.

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