the plan

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Author note : LB mean last breath for the ones who don't know ok

Lb pov

Lb was currently fighting the human this time he Evan had gaster on his side but it was doing nothing he was now tired and he went on 1 knee and then the human killed him. Gaster has been trying to find a way to defeat the human and he thought he had it but he was very so he came up with a new idea what be founding of something monstrous but great.

Gaster pov

Gaster was currently trying to figure out a plan to defeat the human finally and he thinks he has the plan for it
Gaster for his plan to work needed the three to unite so as he was done planning he open portals to different time lines


Lb was having some fun at grillbies everything was peaceful and he then decided to go home for the night as he was walking back to his and his brothers house someone appeared Infront of me. Lb jumped back out of shock. LB : who are you. gaster: I need to do this quickly so I'ma just give your memories back. As he gave lbs memories back lb remembered everything that happened. lb : so I failed huh. Gaster:yes you did but I have a plan that guarantee the humans death. Lb : whats the plan then. Gaster : hm come with me and I will explain it. Lb and gaster went to a place in the underground that know knew about so they could talk about there plan.

Lb : ok what's the plans.gaster:ok the plan is so you know how everytime we always look like we landed a killing blow they always just seems to heal from it out of know : yeah you told me that last time about there items. Gaster : well I also figured something everytime we kill human she always come back to life so they theoretically can't die.

Lb : wait your telling me that we have killed the Human before then why do I not recall it. Gaster : because the way how it's work is when we kill them to it's seem like we are just starting the battle and because of them after respawning they always reamber out attacks and study them and then we always get defeated because they can't die and study and dodge our moves after every death. Lb : so there is no way to win against the human then. Gaster: yes there is a way to win I have find out why when we kill the human. She never dies there is a firewall between the human and something else like a higher being controlling it so if the being what is controlling the human never dies the human is going always be able to respawn. Lb : ok then why cant we just go fight her now and you break down the wall.

Gaster : it's not that easy the wall is like a full barrier made to block everything and anything out but I found a way to break it. Lb : ok how do you break this wall. gaster : to break the wall we are going to need 2 alternative versions of your self. Lb : what there are other versions of me. Gaster : yes but they are different people just there story lines was different than yours making them a alternate version. Lb : ok I think I get but why do we need the two of them. Gaster : so I have founded out something about the player she has something called determination it allows the player to be able to doge her attacks because she is determined to stop you with this determination she goes in a state where true her determination is enhanced her abilities by 2x and It makes anything that was previously impossible possible. Lb : then if the player has this with the respawn they are unstoppable. Gaster: yes but that where these two come in the first dust sans he has went through Twice as much more genocides than us and to stop the human he has killed all of the people in the underground to kill the human even papyrus. Lb looked shot lb : why was that necessary. Gaster : he did not want to see his friends getting killed over and over again Infront him so he did what was necessary to get something called exo and lv that increases one abilities by alot. Lb : I guess when you put it that way he had no choice. Gaster : yeah he had no choice to do it but to what I was getting that through the determination to fight the human and kill her he somehow gained determination from doing this and he has lots full of it what can make us break the wall. Lb : ok wow so if he has alot would that be enough to break it.

Gaster : no we would need alot of determination even way more than dust sans and this is where the other comes in insanity sans the alternate me injected him with lots of lots of lots of lots of determination making him go insane through out this he tried to act normal between his friends but when the human came and killed one of them there was no return he started to kill everyone and I don't know if because he still cared about his brothers he ripped his head oof and pushed a bone inside to stop paps forms Dusting fully and he carries around the head every where he go and in every fight he takes and he unlike us killed the human.  

lb was very shocked to here the stories of the 2 sans to join him and instead of being mad for them killing everyone they knew and loved one because he absolutely needed to one because he went insane and could not control himself he felt sorry for them. Lb : ok so with this amount of determination you could defeat the human right. Gaster : yes now it's just the means to make them join us dust sans I know will join when you tell him the plan insanity you guys will probably have to fight or to knock him out because he is insane and just attacks anything he sees or moves

Lb : ok got it so should I go now to start recruiting. Gaster yes you may go now. Lb left gaster and was ready to meet these people so they could defeat the human hopefully so as gaster showed him the portal he opened up he went through it to dusttale.

1107 words sheesh not bad I would say I think this is already going great

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