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Rimuru POV:

I was going to use my imaginary space/personal dimension for more training and to understand properly about my skills.

Than suddenly realisation hit me. Hey Raphael. I have a question. ((Yes master. What is it you want to know??))

So you see there are several trash here. And I can't just let this trash's be here, where once my people used to live.

((Master these bodies will soon be devoured by low level monsters. Or will turn into magicules.))

But still I can't let them be at peace even if they are dead. They should know what kind of sin they have commited.

((Master can store this bodies inside masters sub-space of Beelzebub where these corpses will turn into magicules to make master stronger.))

Hmm... Offer is tempting but I don't want these trashes to ever touch me It makes me feel disgusted.

((.......)) Now that I remember I learned a pretty good thing in Bulmund.

You remember that demon summoning thing. Can I have those demons as servants in return for these trashes.

((....positive. With this many corpses several demons can be summoned.))

Yes that's what I was talking about. You truly are great. So how many can we summon.

((.... Affirmative. With this much corpses more than 300 demons can be summoned.))

What!! Isn't it too much unfair.

((Answer. It takes 100 corpses/sacrifice to summ-))

Bah!! Who cares about how many trashes it needs. I am telling that aren't we getting too much profit.

Like by giving all of these trashes we can have some strong and loyal servants. Can't we??

((........... Yes. It is correct.))

So what are we waiting for let's begin the summoning. Shall we?

((Positive. All of the conditions to summon the demons have been met. Summoning can be started.))

Now that's what I was waiting to hear from you. So let's begin it.

Third person pov:

"Heed my call. I have prepared feast for you. Come and serve me demons."

As soon as those words left rimuru's mouth. A huge magic circle started to appear in front of him.

All of the dead bodies of fallen human soldiers of western countries started to disappear suddenly leaving only their clothes, armours, and weapons behind as the only sign of their death.

After all of the bodies disappeared an ominous aura started to form around the once battlefield. The aura was huge, huge enough to make even A- class monsters hide from them.

After the aura subsided a little four figures can be seen standing there at the middle of all this aura's.

Rimuru’s pov:

Hmm 300 demons is pretty good deal. If this many demons serve me than I can have a little army of demons and I can continue my "Suicidal Revenge March."

Huh!? What is this why are there only four people or more specifically demons here. I think Raphael said that I can summon 300 demons. But wait even though they are just four, there aura is sure huge. Meh, let's ask Raphael.

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