Chapter Two

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Juliet takes one last glance at her reflection in the mirror and puts her long raven black hair in a ponytail. She hurriedly slips into a denim jacket, draping it over the polka dotted dress and matching jeans. The backpack swings onto her back as she exits the house, turning the key in the lock.

About a ten minute walk later, she stops in front of a big panel gate. Her gaze falls on the wooden nameplate on the side that has 'SMITH' carved in it. She has come across this house a few times before while passing through this road but never had the chance to look inside though. 

Upon finding the gate is just half closed, she hesitantly pushes it open and enters inside. The moment her eyes glance around and come to rest on the small lake in front of the house, she's captivated. Approaching closer, she notices some ferns and flower bushes lining the lakeshore.

"This is gorgeous." Juliet whispers.

As she's about to step up onto the porch that leads to the main door, she discovers two abnormally tall steps in place of what would be two or three treads of standard dimensions.

"I'll probably break my femur here!" She chuckles before cautiously ascending the stairs.

She rings the doorbell and seconds later, the door is opened revealing an old woman with gray tinged auburn hair past her shoulder. There's a distinguished charm in her face as she returns Juliet's smile.

"Hello, I'm Juliet." She says, "My father, Russell-"

"Oh! I remember him." She says with a fuss of excitement, looking at Juliet endearingly, "You look so much like your father."

Juliet smiles in an awkward manner muttering a thanks, not aware of what exactly to say in return.

"I'm Hazel. Love seeing you here, Juliet." Saying, Hazel opens the door wide for her to walk in. 

"Likewise, ma'am."

"Russell visited us a few days ago. He was such a lovely man. I loved speaking to him." She adds, closing the door behind her and leads Juliet to the living room. Her gaze wanders on the subtle yet alluring decorations of the interior. It's nothing extravagant, but fitting minimal things in the right places have given it an overall aesthetic appeal. She sees a few fresh strings of Lily of the Valley in the vase on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Take a seat. I'll call Miles in." Hazel tells her as she disappears into what seems like a hallway. Juliet glances around in awe, taking in the various wall hangings, paintings and artificial vines that fill the space. The unique style of the interior charms her.

As she hears footsteps coming closer, she turns her head to find a boy lazily walking out of the hallway while running his hand through his jet black hair. The whimsical sun glow of the last hour just before dusk seems to create a shadow light effect on his ivory skin and it makes her stare for a while.

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