Chapter Six

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As Juliet knocks on the door, excited to come back here every time, the door opens to reveal an unfamiliar face. She's about to greet the middle aged brunette woman when she does so herself,

"Juliet?" She asks, a subtle smile accentuating her delicate features.

"Yes, I am." 

"Come in." She invites Juliet in before closing the door behind her, "I'm Meredith, Miles' mother. I was out of town for a while but I heard about you."

Juliet sends her a polite smile, complimenting the woman's beauty in her mind. "Nice meeting you, ma'am."

"Likewise, Juliet." She returns the smile, "Uh, Miles went out to the pharmacy a few minutes ago. Would you mind waiting for a bit? It won't take him long."

"It's not a problem! I will wait." She replies right away, receiving an appreciative nod.

Just as Meredith leaves the living room, Ariel scurries to Juliet with a tablet in her hands, her energy seeping through her radiant grin.

"Hi! Thank you for the chocolates and candies." She says, sitting beside Juliet.

"You're welcome, Ariel!"

"Do you want to watch cartoons with me? I'm watching Doraemon."

"Sure! That's my favorite cartoon. Seems like we have something in common." She gladly approves, more than happy to spend time with her. Children have a magical effect on her, instilling joy and levity in her heart at the mere sight of a child.

Midway through the episode they are watching, a knock on the door shifts their attention. Juliet walks up to the door when nobody seems to come out from inside and she opens it, taking Miles by surprise.

"How long have you been here?" Miles asks, striding in as she moves from the entryway to give him space.

"Twenty minutes perhaps."

"Mom had a headache after a long journey. I went to get medicine." He says while Juliet sits herself back on the couch.

"It's alright. I was having a good time anyway." Juliet says just before erupting into a fit of laughter due to something hilarious on the show, Ariel following.

Miles' gaze fixes on them, adoration gradually filling his eyes. Juliet has quickly become like a part of his family, fitting in seamlessly thanks to her endearing nature and winsome ways. He feels delighted to see how well she's been received.


"Do you do this regularly? I mean tutoring."

"Nope, I just help my friends or acquaintances sometimes. About you, your cousin who was dad's student told him about it and he asked me to agree if I want since I've been getting bored to death lately." Miles replies, eyes focused on the geometrical measurement problem at hand. He seems to have a hard time grasping this one correctly.

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