Chapter Four

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She takes a proper look at the sketch.

A female hand tenderly holding a red rose- just a simple one.

Juliet loves art. Despite not reaching the point of doing complex drawings, she occasionally attempts minimalist sketches. It helps her calm her mind.

As she strokes the pencil on the petals for a last touch, Russell knocks on the door.

"Come in, dad."

Juliet notices a serious expression on his face while he walks in placidly.

"Is everything okay?" She asks, earning a nod from him.

"I just came to let you know that it's been a while since you last talked to Annie. She's trying to contact you."

As the words leave his mouth, her face transforms into a vacant look and loses its usual eased stance.

She sighs and looks down, her thumbnail digging into her index finger.

"I'm feeling good. I don't feel like ruining my mood now. We could-"

His face mirrors hers, a gloominess overtaking him all at once. Yet he gives her an understanding nod,

"It's okay. I just wanted to inform you."

"I'll talk to mom later." She responds right away in a mere hope to ease his tension a little, still not making any eye contact.

After the brief conversation, he leaves her room. Juliet shuts the sketchbook, not feeling the urge to continue anymore and stands up from the desk chair. Leaning against the window grate, her vision stretches far into nothingness as the continuous rain seems to swamp the outer world away.

Isn't it sad to realize the parent who brought you into the world is no longer a part of you? It must feel devastating to see the surname one will always tag along is from someone they'd rather leave forever in a dark corner of the past.

She knows how it feels... all too well.

Haunting and bitter.


"What's the answer?"

Juliet types on the calculator fast, "It's ninety eight point five."

"What?" He frowns, fazed. "It should be something on the negative side or at least a small number."

"How do you know the answer without calculating it first? It is a complicated equation." She frowns back.

"I'm just guessing." Miles responds, shrugging.

She does the calculation again with more attention.

"Mhm... It's actually two. I mistyped something." She says, confusion stringing to her voice.

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