Chapter Twenty Six

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"Don't look at me like that," Tristan says, shifting in his seat.

On the couch adjacent to him, Maddie looks damn serious and a little disappointed. Generally, she has an innate seriousness about her, but today it's different. It's like she's preparing herself for a long lecture.

"I asked you something. It's more important than you think. Just answer honestly."

"Why suddenly? The last time we talked about it was months ago. I thought it was over."

"I thought the same. But..." Maddie looks at him helplessly, "I feel like since you saw her again, everything resurfaced. If that is true, I have something very urgent to tell you, and it can't be postponed."

"You interrogate like my Mama." Tristan replies with a frustrated sigh, "Ok fine. I don't know what gave you that idea, but you are probably not wrong after all. I think my feelings for her were never actually gone. They were just in hibernation. I know she said no. But that doesn't mean I could just let it go." He says with a chuckle. "Oops, that rhymed."

Maddie looks calmly at his face for a while, seemingly contemplating something. A hint of sadness shows in her eyes.

"What's wrong? What did you want to tell me?" Tristan asks again.

"Listen, Tristan. I just don't want you to hold onto hopes and later get hurt badly. You would have known it sooner or later, but before it comes to you as a shock in the most unexpected time, I will tell you now." Maddie utters in one breath.

A scowl appears as he finds himself confused by her paranoid tone.

"You're scaring me now. Just spill, Maddie." Says Tristan, to which she gives him a sympathetic look.

"Juliet is in love with someone else."


Just as Miles enters his room and switches the light on, his eyes fall on a rectangular ash-colored box kept on his desk. Clueless, he picks the box up and examines it carefully before opening the lid. A wristwatch with black leather straps comes into view. A small smile accentuates his lips as soon as he realizes who put it here. Meredith or Hazel would be direct if they were to gift him something.

He clasps the watch around his wrist and takes a content look at it. Miles has always loved wearing watches, but this one carries extra meaning. After that fight between him and Wallace, he was worried about how to make things right with his father again. His anger seems to be easing now, and that's a relief.

Keeping the watch back in the box, he places it securely in the drawer and walks to the bed. Taking out his phone, he dials Juliet's number, and she picks up immediately as he hears her cheerful voice.


"What are you up to?" Miles asks her.

"I'm watching Doraemon. Guess what? I found this new episode I never watched before. This one's too funny. Ariel should watch it, I'll send it to you."

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