Chapter Three

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"Why do I always forget my glasses?"

Juliet huffs, unlocking the door again. Rushing inside, she straight walks into her room and sees the rectangular shaped black rimmed spectacles lying on her desk.

Juliet begins walking faster than usual and as she eventually halts before the familiar gate, a raindrop lands on her forehead. The sky has turned gray and the afternoon looks darker as if it's past sunset already while heavy breezes blow across her hair. Stepping in, she comes to find a young girl around five or six playing with some clover blooms spread on the grass, just a little away from the porch. She also has the same auburn color hair as Hazel, Juliet notices.

Excited, she approaches her and the child looks up finally, her green eyes sparkling.

"Hi!" Juliet slightly waves her hand.

"Hey..." She returns Juliet's smile with her own.

"What's your name?"


"Perfect name for a redhead! I love your hair."

"Thank you. I love your glasses!" Ariel smiles brighter, causing Juliet to laugh at the odd compliment.

"I'm glad you do!"

"Ariel, come back inside. It's raining." She hears Miles' voice just as he walks out of the door. He pauses for a moment seeing Juliet before descending the stairs and casually picking Ariel up in his arms.

After they are all in, Miles shuts the door and turns the lights on since the room has grown dark, mirroring the weather outside.

"Is that your sister?"

"Yes." Miles answers, taking a seat beside Juliet this time leaving a good distance in between. The past few days, he kept sitting on that single chair across from her. Juliet notices silently.

Her gaze drifts to his sky blue t-shirt and slightly damp hair as he roughly combs his fingers through them. Although she wants to stare for a bit longer, she pulls her eyes away.


When Miles asks her for a pencil, she hurriedly searches in her backpack and hands him a compass pencil instead. He raises an eyebrow,

"We're not doing geometry."

"The last time I used this pencil was yesterday when I needed to draw a circle. I felt lazy so I didn't take it out afterwards." Juliet shrugs, nonchalantly.

His eyes remain on her for a while in an analyzing manner and he leans against the couch.

"You seem kind of...messy," he says, his expression composed as always.

First time a personal comment from him and it takes Juliet in for a small surprise. She quickly regains herself though and smiles at him.

"My dad says the same."

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